Six months later
“Ziggy, Ziggy!” I could see him standing at the bar, trying to get the bartender’s attention, but he couldn’t hear me over the music. It was so loud in here, and the screams and shouts of the crowds were overwhelming. I was here with a few of our friends; Marc, Kenny, Ty and of course Ziggy. We were here to see Kings or more importantly, Kwan.
They were back in Liverpool playing at Level, but this time, they had a bigger following. After doing the festival in the summer, their popularity had grown and they’d even managed to get a record deal. No longer the wannabe K-pop star, Kwan was a star along with the other four members of the band.
They were just coming to the end of their first set, and I wanted to get a drink before going backstage to see him. The last time I’d been here, Kwan had ignored me, and if it hadn’t been for Kenny and Ziggy persuading me to reply to his message, we wouldn’t be here now. I thought of how different my life might have been, but I refused to regret one moment of our time together.
Things hadn’t been easy for us, mostly down to me, but we’d got through it, he’d got me through it, and I fucking loved him for always being there for me. After staying with Ziggy for almost a month after my suicide attempt, Kwan had spoken to his parents and I’d moved in with them. I loved Ziggy and Marc, but I couldn’t stay with them any longer. They needed their space. I had no reason to stay in Liverpool anyway, but every reason to move to Manchester.
I was still seeing my therapist, improving day by day. I had my struggles, but I was getting better. I’d made a vow to Kwan that I would, and he’d promised to help me, no matter what and no matter how long it took. He’d been patient, understanding, and he never once complained even though I gave him good reason to hate me at times.
I’d been diagnosed with depression and severe anxiety disorder. Most days, I functioned really well, and I had even signed up to go back to university, but occasionally, I’d slip back into my old ways. Thankfully, I had Kwan and his family to talk me round; the twins especially had become a light in my life.
The set finally finished, and I was still no nearer to getting a drink, so I made my way backstage to congratulate them on a great start to the show.
Kwan’s eyes lit up when he saw me, and he pushed his way through the crowd to get to me, drawing me into his arms. I hugged him back to the whistles of the people around us, but we didn’t care. Kwan had had to explain his week-long absence to the group after my accident, and his friends had been supportive of both him and me.
Initially, Alan didn’t think it was a good idea for Kwan to come out, but he’d refused to stay with the group if he wasn’t allowed to be himself. It was as simple as that. After much discussion, Alan conceded that actually, it might be of benefit to the group to be seen as inclusive, so announcements were made and everyone was happy.
Well, mostly anyway. At first, Kasem had been dead against it, saying it would give the wrong impression of the group. After the stunt he’d pulled though with the kiss, he’d been overruled. Shortly after, details of his own mental health, his cutting and his own admission, that he too was gay, had come to light. The band got to vote on whether or not he stayed, but at the end of it all, he remained and was now on his best behaviour. The band were better and stronger for it.
“Great set, rockstar.” My eyes took in the excited look on Kwan’s face, almost feeling the buzz under his skin. He was vibrating with energy.
“It’s fucking amazing being up there, Beau, but it’s even better knowing you’re there watching me. I’ll be back on in a few minutes, then when we’re done, I’ll come find you and the guys, okay?”
I kissed him, tasting the saltiness on his lips. “See you later. I’ll have a drink waiting for you.”
“I don’t want to stay too long afterwards. I have a surprise for you,” he whispered before letting me go and re-joining the other band members.
I walked back to our friends, sinking into the seat next to Kenny.
“How’s Whispers and Bernie?”
“Oh, I have so much to tell you. You remember Stu? He started working there just before you left?” I nodded. “Well, it seems like Bernie tried it on with him, but Stu’s boyfriend was there. Honestly, Beau, he’s bigger than Ty and did not take too kindly to Bernie’s advances.”
Kenny’s eyes sparkled in the club lights. He was enjoying telling me this.
“And?” I knew he was dying to spill the beans.
“He knocked him on his arse. Threatened to call the police on him.” By this time, Ziggy and Marc had returned with the drinks, handing them out. No shots this time, but no doubt that would change if Ziggy and Kenny had their way. “He’s been on his best behaviour since then with everyone. Let’s hope it stays that way.”
Ty sat next to Kenny, quiet as usual, but he watched every move Kenny made. I was happy he’d found his forever. Glancing at Ziggy and Marc, my eyes started to blur as I realised I was surrounded by the people that loved me most and I was happy. For once in my life, I’d found what I was looking for.
The night wore on, and Kings were amazing as always. I’d watched many of their gigs, but this one right here at Level was special. It was where we’d both realised what we wanted even though the night hadn’t ended the way we’d originally planned.
I watched as Kwan danced and sang, his voice loud and strong and his moves as sharp as ever. The group had practised and worked so hard for the success they now had, and the extra money they’d made had come in handy. Kwan had been able to put a deposit down on a place in Manchester and had moved in a month or so ago.
I’d moved in with him, and everything was going well. I only came back to Liverpool occasionally to visit Megan. She’d finally got the help she needed after finding a sponsor and was currently in rehab. We’d formed an uneasy truce which still held, but we were working on our relationship.
The set finally finished to shouts and cheers, all five members of the group laughing and joking as they left the stage. Things had improved for them too. Kasem had finally realised that he was going nowhere the way he was acting and had started to treat them all with the respect they deserved.
Kwan made his way over to us after the band debrief, sliding into the space between me and Kenny.
“I’m ready when you are.” He whispered. “Do you need to stay longer, or can we go now?” I wasn’t sure what he had planned, but I couldn’t wait to find out.
“Hey, guys, we’re going to head on out.” I stood to leave, taking Kwan’s hand and pulling him up.