Page 75 of Finding Beau

“And I’ve only been here six weeks or so, plus I turned you down.” I was disgusted at how he took the rejection.

“It has nothing to do with that.” Like fucking hell it didn’t.

“Really? Just seems coincidental that days after I turned down your proposition, I’m being accused of stealing. I’ve taken nothing. You have CCTV. Check it. You’ll not see me taking money. Find someone else to blame, Simon, because it’s not me.”

“Don’t tell me what to do. I’m the manager here. I’ll pay you up until tonight, and then we’re done. You’re off the books as of now. I won’t have stealing.”

“How can you even do this without proof? I could take you to court for this. Defamation of character, being falsely accused of something I haven’t done.”

We both knew I didn’t have the funds for that, and probably the best thing for me to do was to go gracefully with my head held high, but I just couldn’t do it.

“You know what, Simon? You can shove your fucking job. I don’t need it anyway.”

I did need it, and I was starting to panic. With no job, I had no rent money, and with no rent money, I had no flat. I was back to where I was two months ago, without a job and without money, but I was glad this had happened in a way. Simon’s advances would never have stopped, and I couldn’t work like that again, not after Bernie.

He threw a brown envelope across the desk to me. “Here’s the money you’re owed. Be grateful I’m not prosecuting.”

At that, he put his head down, concentrating on whatever was on his desk. I guessed the conversation was over. I grabbed the envelope and stormed out of the office, slamming the door behind me.

Fucking tosser. I left the bar without speaking to Anna or Josh. They were nowhere to be found. No doubt hiding away, knowing it was a bullshit accusation.

It was bollocks, total fucking bollocks, and I had no idea what I was going to do next. Rent was due in two weeks, and I hadn’t the money to pay for it. Even with the money Simon had given me, I was still a couple of hundred pounds short.

I needed to speak to Kwan, let him know what had happened. I pulled my phone out, checking the time. It was a little after eight, and I knew he wasn’t going on stage until nine, plenty of time to talk with him beforehand.

It rang and rang, but there was no reply. It wasn’t the first time he hadn’t answered my calls, so I wasn’t overly worried, but when he hadn’t returned it by 1 a.m., I started to worry. He always called or messaged, at least, so this was new.

I’d tried calling Ziggy too, but to no avail and I really, really needed to talk to someone. Fear was setting in, and I knew I’d have trouble sleeping.

I wasn’t wrong, and I tossed and turned all night, constantly checking my phone. Was the battery charged? Did I have it on silent? I knew the answer, though. I’d turned up the ringer, and the phone was plugged in, but still no call, not from Kwan nor from Ziggy.

I must have fallen asleep at some point and woke feeling groggy the following morning. I checked my phone, but still nothing, and by now, my head was in turmoil. What if something had happened to him? How would I know? Who would know to call me?

I went to pee, glancing at my face in the mirror. I looked like shit and felt like shit, and now I had no job and no clue what to do with myself.

I was about to go back to bed—it was only eight—when a knock on the door stopped me in my tracks. Hoping it was Kwan, I ran to the door, unlocking it and throwing it open, about to give him a piece of my mind for ignoring my calls.

The same two policemen as before stood on the threshold, all about the business.

“Mr Pierce. Can we come in? We just have a few questions.”

I stepped back, allowing them access before walking to the kitchen. I was going to need coffee for this as I didn’t have Kwan to comfort me this time.

“What can I do for you?” I asked, although I wasn’t sure I wanted to know.

“Have you seen your sister? We’ve been advised she was staying here.”

“She was for a few days after she came out of hospital, but honestly, I’ve not seen her since. My calls go unanswered, and I assume she’s back with Kevin and back on the drugs. What has she done this time?”

“Missed her court date, I’m afraid, so we have another warrant out for her arrest.” He handed me a card, and I flipped it around in my fingers. “If you see her, you need to call us.”

“I will.” I sighed. I needed her to get better for both our sakes, and I told them as much. “If I knew where she was, I’d tell you, and if I do hear from her, I’ll let you know.”

“That’s all we can ask. Thank you, Mr Pierce.”

They left, leaving me with more on my mind than I had before. Day by day, things were slowly starting to fall apart, and I was doing the same, a complete sense of losing control coursing through me.

I tried to think positive, tried to stop the dread forming inside of me. No calls, no job, an absent sister. My pulse quickened, and my breathing became shallow, tingles spreading through my fingers. A panic attack was coming, and I was powerless to stop it.

If only Kwan would call. With just a few words, he could calm my raging mind, drive away the dark thoughts that threatened to drag me under, but there was still nothing.

I made my way back to bed, pulling the covers over me. I knew it had all been too good to be true. The spiral started, pulling me down, and there was nothing I could do.