Page 56 of Finding Beau

The silence was almost deafening until Kwan spoke, his voice ringing out, addressing his family.

“Hi, I know you’re probably wondering what’s going on”—he held up our joined hands, looking at me, seeking encouragement perhaps—“but I wanted to introduce you to Beau. He’s my… Well, he’s my boyfriend.”

Whoa, that was new. Not something we’d discussed but okay, I was going with it.

“It’s new, so no interrogation. I don’t want him to be scared away, and no telling him stories. I’d really like him to stick around.”

He turned to face me, and there was that look again. Warm brown eyes, shining with emotion. This was a big moment for him, not only admitting he had a boyfriend, but coming out to his whole family in one fell swoop.

Two people, who I assumed were his parents, walked towards us. They didn’t look unhappy, but neither did they look as if they were ready to welcome me with open arms. I took a step back.

“Kwanchai,” the man spoke. “What is going on, son?”

“Oh, stop it. You know exactly what’s going on.” His mother swatted him on the arm, a warm smile spreading across her face. “Such fanfare and I’m so proud of you, Kwanchai.”

“Mum, meet Beau.” I reached to shake her hand, but instead she brought me in for a hug, almost as good as Kwan’s but not quite.

“I’m so pleased to meet you. Please, come meet the rest of the family.”

She took my hand, leading me away from Kwan towards the expectant faces of his family. I turned back to him, and he shrugged as he, too, was bombarded by a long line of women, all kissing and hugging him. He hadn’t needed to worry at all.

We finally made our way back to each other, both of us a little shocked at the response to Kwan’s announcement. He took my hand again and led me to a quiet table in the corner of the restaurant.

“I think I need ten minutes, just you and me, if that’s okay?”

“I’m a little overwhelmed if I’m truthful. It’s…been a while since I’ve been somewhere like this.”

“We can leave if you want to. We don’t have to stay. I can borrow a car, take you back home if you’d prefer.”

I shook my head. That wasn’t going to happen.

“What and miss all the delicious food? I don’t think so, but if we could just sit for a while.I want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m okay It’sa lot to take in, and I was surprised by how well everyone took it.”

“It was a big thing you did today, announcing it like that. I’m not sure I’d have been so brave, but I never had to do it.” The thought that my parents had died before I’d really realised I was gay struck a chord.

“Will you tell me what happened to your parents? When you’re ready, though, I don’t want to push you.”

I would tell him. It was important he knew me, knew how their deaths had, and still did, affect me.

“I will, but not today, if that’s alright. It’s been a long day for both of us.” I bumped his shoulder, still aware of some eyes on us. “I’ve never been someone’s boyfriend before.”

He slapped his hand over his mouth, his eyes wide, before removing it to speak.

“Oh, I didn’t even think. I never asked. It’s okay, though, right? Will you? Would you?”

I silenced him with a small kiss.

“Yeah, it’s fine. Nice, actually.”

“You sure you don’t want to get out of here? The house is empty.” He waggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

“We can’t, and like I said, I’m fucking starving, and the smells coming out of the kitchen are making me drool.”

At that, platefuls of food were brought out into the restaurant, and Kwan led me to the table, explaining each dish to me, placing a small amount of each one on my plate. I’d never heard him speak with such enthusiasm as he reeled off all the different ingredients in each one, telling me how his father had created them.

I listened to him talk, loving the soft timbre of his voice. He was mesmerising, and I found myself blocking out the sounds in the restaurant as he led me back to our table to sit.