“If you can’t control your sister and her screaming and shouting in the early hours, you’re out. You hear me? I received seven complaints. Seven fucking complaints and if I get any more, you’ll have no place to live. Your rent’s going up to, from next month. I’m giving you fair warning.”
He thrust a letter into my hands, then turned on his heel and stormed off. I couldn’t afford a rent raise. I could just about afford it now. Without a job, I was in dire straits. I ripped open the envelope, reading the extortionate amount he was planning to charge me, almost double what I was paying now. He had to know there was no way I could afford that, so this was his way of getting me out.
Shit. I really needed to get a job quickly. There was no point in me going back to Sandy’s. As much as I’d liked it there, the travel costs alone would eat into any money I earned. That left Bernie.
I didn’t like to beg, but maybe he’d change his mind. I was his beautiful Beau after all. Perhaps it was enough to get me my job back, but the thought of what I’d have to do, how I’d have to compromise on my dignity just to earn a few pounds… It wasn’t worth it.
I could ask Ziggy for help. There was no way I’d move in with them, but perhaps they could point me in the right direction. I’m sure Marc had contacts. He’d helped Ziggy out when he came out of hospital.
I threw the letter on the counter, thoughts of Kwan pushing me against it running through my mind. He seemed to be the only thing keeping me grounded right now, stopping me from spiralling like I usually did.
It was only nine, though, and I wondered if he’d be up and awake. Talking to him might make me feel better, put things into perspective. I decided to send a text instead, firing one off before I could change my mind.
Beau: Hope I’m not waking you up. I just wanted to talk, but I guess I’m not so good at picking up the phone. Thanks for yesterday. I’ll maybe catch up with you again.
I didn’t have to wait long, and before I’d even got to the bathroom, an answer had come through.
Kwan: Hey, you didn’t. I was just lying here thinking of you and yesterday, wondering when we could do it again. Would you want to?
I did want to. There was no doubting that, but I wondered if we weren’t just moving a little quickly. My inner voice told me to fuck it, call the man and arrange to meet him again.
I dialled his number quickly before I could chicken out. He answered on the second ring.
“Hey, missing me already? Is everything okay? Do you want to talk? Better still, do you want to come over?” Kwan’s words surprised me, but yes, I did want to talk face to face.
“I think I’d like that. I need to get out of the city for a while. Maybe seeing you will do me good. I can be there in an hour or so. Is that too early?
“No, not too early. I’ll text you the address, and I’ll be waiting for you.”
We said goodbye, and I ended the call, rushing to get showered and changed. I couldn’t believe I was doing this, travelling over to Manchester to meet a guy.