Page 43 of Finding Beau


What the hell was I going to do now? I had no job, which meant no money, which meant no rent money.

I had just enough saved to cover next month’s rent and probably enough for food, but it’d be a push. I’d be living on noodles and food from the reduced section, but I wouldn’t starve.

Kwan handed me some tea in one of the new mugs I’d bought and sat next to me on the couch.

“Are you going to be okay?”

Was I? I didn’t know at this point. I felt a little numb, a little sick and a lot tired. I just wanted to sleep and wake in the morning to find it had been a bad dream, but I knew I wouldn’t be that lucky. And what was Kwan doing here?

“Why are you here? Why did you come to the club?”

“To look for you. You weren’t answering my calls, and I suppose I was worried about you.”

“You shouldn’t have come.” I stood and walked into the kitchen to find some sugar. I put a couple of spoonful’s in my tea and stirred it slowly, taking in what he’d said. “You should have just stayed in Manchester. If you hadn’t turned up, I’d still have a job. Because of you, I don’t.”

It wasn’t strictly true. I’d planned to get away from Bernie tonight and no doubt would have lost my job anyway, but it was easier to blame Kwan. Blame him for everything because he was right there. As handsome as ever, his blue hair unkempt, not at all like the polished, well-dressed man I’d seen before.

“That’s hardly fair, Beau. I saw what he was about to do to you. I couldn’t stand by and let that happen. And if it hadn't been me, maybe Ty would have come down to check you were okay.”

“Ty knows better, and you should have done too. I didn’t ask for you to come. I don’t need you to save me.” My voice rose as the realisation that I really was up shit creek started to sink in.

“Well, I didn’t, did I? I stupidly thought you might want to see me again even though you couldn’t be bothered to even answer one of my calls. I thought we’d had a connection, but it seems I was wrong. Maybe this was a bad idea, but I wouldn’t take back what happened at the club. I could never stand by and see you abused by a predator like him.

“I don’t know what he’s got on you, but surely, it’s not worth that.”

“What do you know about my life, eh? What gives you the right to waltz in on your fucking white horse and save me? Nothing, Kwan, that’s what. Fuck all.”

By this time, Kwan had stood too and stalked towards me, the few inches he had on me making me feel much smaller than my five foot eight, but I didn’t feel intimidated. He just didn’t give off that vibe.

His voice dropped, and he spoke softly. “I’m sorry, Beau. I never meant for you to lose your job. I just wanted you to see that there’s more to life than living with that sort of abuse. No matter what it is, maybe I can help? Try to make up for the way I acted. I shouldn’t have assumed you wanted out. But if I’m honest with you? I saw how you felt, Beau. Saw how much you were hurting.”

He stood in front of me, a kindness in his eyes I’d not seen from anyone in a while. Perhaps I’d been too hasty. He had stopped Bernie and brought me home. He hadn’t needed to do that.

I shrugged, realising just how close he was. So close I could smell the light fragrance he wore and see the flecks of gold that lit his eyes. Eyes that were considerate, understanding. He reached towards me, and I flinched but remembered at the last moment that this wasn’t Bernie. This was Kwan, a man I’d been attracted to from the first moment I’d seen him.

His long fingers stroked down my face, their warmth and smoothness making my skin tingle where he’d touched. I closed my eyes, relishing the gentleness of his caress.

A finger brushed my bottom lip, then up to my cheek and forehead, as if he were mapping every contour of my face.

“You really are beautiful, you know. I’ve never seen anyone quite like you, Beau. But I see you, not just your beauty but inside too.” He tapped my heart, and I relaxed into his touch, his words soothing me. “If you let me, I would really like to get to know you more.”

I opened my eyes, looking deep into his. I wasn’t sure how to handle this, not really having been in this situation before. We both moved at the same time, though, his lips meeting mine. A brief kiss, the barest of touches. I sighed as he did, and his hand reached up, cradling my face before leaning in again for a more urgent kiss. One that had my heart dancing. I closed my eyes again, savouring his taste, before slipping my arms around his waist and drawing him closer.

I’m not entirely sure how it happened, but the next thing I knew, his hands were raking through my hair, mine under his shirt, gripping his muscled back. Our kiss became a battle of wills to see who could take control, and he was winning. I yielded to him, surrendering my mouth, opening up to him, loving his touch, falling into the kiss. My body fitted with his perfectly, both of us thrusting against each other.

This experience was different, nothing like with Bernie or any other guy I’d been with. I groaned as Kwan’s tongue stroked mine.

We broke apart, struggling for breath, and he stepped away from me, running his hands through his hair.

“Shit, Beau.” He had a smile on his face that made me think he’d enjoyed what we’d just done, and the bulge in the front of his jeans confirmed my thought.

I felt the exact same way and adjusted my own dick. That kiss had been everything you could ever want in a first kiss. I felt exhilarated, slightly giddy and definitely horny.

Just when I thought he’d walk away, he took a step towards me, a determined look on his face. He gently held the back of my neck, bringing me in for another kiss. I opened up on instinct, slumping against his hard chest. This kiss was gentler, an exploration rather than an explosion, but no less intoxicating.

I could have done this all night, but I was aware it was late and I didn’t know if he needed to get home.