Page 36 of Finding Beau

“I’m listening.” She moved in closer to me, perching now on the edge of her seat.

“His name is Beau. He’s beautiful. Has the most gorgeous smile, the bluest of eyes and his hair… I can’t describe the colour. Nothing would do it justice. It’s just…” I shook my head, never having felt this way for anyone ever. “He’s just…”

“Woah, I don’t think I’ve ever heard you speak of anyone like that before. Even when you had a crush on Cho, it was never like this. Does he know? Did you tell him?”

I shook my head. “No, I didn’t tell him exactly what I thought. We sort of went on a date earlier, one that ended far too soon actually, and he might have run away. You know I don’t always think before speaking.”

“Understatement of the century, Kwan. What exactly did you say?”

“Just that I was happy to be coming home to Manchester. It might have come across wrong, that maybe I was just desperate to get home when really, I wanted to spend more time with him. He ran, Hana, and I didn’t stop him. And now I think I should have.”

“Do you have his number? Please tell me you have his number.”

“I do, and I intend to call him tomorrow and explain what I meant.”

“You’d better, Kwan.”

“The thing is, I think he has a lot going on in his life. I’m not sure exactly what. He works for a shit of a boss, and when I mentioned family, he tensed up, refusing to answer. I just hope I haven’t made things worse. He just has this sadness, you know?”

“Oh, Kwan. You can’t save everyone you meet that might have a problem. Least of all someone you hardly know.”

“But what if I want to know him more? What if I do want to help him? Sometimes, we just need someone to believe in us, to make us see we are worth saving, worth finding. I want to try, Hana. I really do.”

Saying those words out loud confirmed what I’d already thought in my head. I wanted to help Beau, not just because I felt obliged or because of my studies, but because I really did care about him, even though it had only been a day or so.

I needed to go find my Beau.