Page 33 of Finding Beau


Idon’t know why I ran. Well, I did, but just because Kwan was going back home to Manchester didn’t mean the afternoon needed to end. He wanted to go home. He had no reason to stay around, didn’t know me well enough for me to be that reason. And for my part…Kwan holding my hand was the closest I’d got to anything resembling a date in the longest time.

I stopped running as I reached the end of the road, knowing he couldn’t see me anymore and stood, hands resting on my knees, trying to get my breath. I wasn’t unfit, but I didn’t exercise much either. Just my fucking luck he had to go back to Manchester already. I knew it was coming from what he’d said, but I was hoping for a little more time before he left.

After catching my breath, I walked the rest of the way home, thinking over our conversation. He’d seemed interested. We’d had that light flirting earlier on, and when he’d pulled me in close, I could see the flecks of amber in his eyes and smell the light cologne he wore. I’d been reluctant to pull away, but after being jostled from behind, we’d had no choice.

His hand had been warm in my cool one. Wearing just the shirt had been a mistake, and I wished I’d put on my jacket. I was starting to feel the cold and couldn’t wait to get home. I’d need to stop off and get some food, though. Although lunch had gone some way to filling my empty stomach, I wouldn’t last until tomorrow.

I stopped off at the nearest supermarket and grabbed some bread, ham and a large bag of crisps. That would have to do.

I was about to pay when I heard a commotion by the door, instantly recognising the voices.

Megan and fucking Kevin. Should I intervene or leave them to it?

A security guard had stopped them leaving the store and was talking into his radio, but before I could leave the store, Megan spotted me. I rolled my eyes. I knew she was my sister; I knew I should be helping her, but our last encounter had left me a little bitter and jaded.

“Beau, help us out here. We were gonna pay, but he grabbed us before we could get to the checkout.”

I had no fucking choice now and walked over to where the security guard was stood in front of them.

“I’m sorry, sir. There’s not much you can do here,” he said, moving to stand in front of them.

“It’s okay. What have they done?” I asked, knowing what it was really without having to ask.

“I’m not at liberty to discuss anything with you. The police have been called.”

“Beau, we didn’t nick anything, honest. He planted that shit on us before we could leave, and now he’s called the fucking police. You know I wouldn’t do anything like this. Come on, Beau. I’m your sister.”

“Is that right, sir? Can you vouch for her? Is she of age? She says she’s eighteen.”

“Yes, she’s my sister, and yes, she’s actually twenty. Will I vouch for her?”

Would I or did she need to learn a lesson?

“Has she been shoplifting?” I looked her dead in the eye, looking for any type of reaction from her.

“He says we were. Come on, Beau. You know I wouldn’t do anything like that. I just put it in my pocket. I was going to pay for it, I swear.” She was lying, the differing stories contradicting her previous answer. First, she hadn’t stolen it, then the security officer had planted it. Nothing made any sense. It was about time she took responsibility for her actions.

I turned to the security guard, not wanting to say the words, but she did need to learn.

“I’ll leave this to you, sir. Do what you need to do.”

“What the fuck, Beau?” Her shrill voice sounded as I turned and walked out of the shop. I didn’t want to deal with her crap today. She’d made her bed; she could lie in it. I’d had enough.

Today had started off well, but after Kwan got the call, it had steadily declined until this was just the icing on a very shitty cake.

I reached the block of flats where we lived and was about to climb the stairs when I don’t know what made me look over, but the lock-up where I kept my bike was open, the padlock broken on the floor. Some bastard had stolen my bike.

Could this day get any worse? I slammed the mesh door shut, cursing as it bounced back, hitting my knuckles.

Bastard. How the fuck was I going to get to work now? Shit just got worse as the day went on.

I walked the two flights up to the flat. At least the door was intact, but there were some scratches around the lock. No doubt Megan and her friends trying to get back in and thankfully not succeeding. I let myself in, putting the few groceries I’d bought away. It’d do for a few days. I’d moved my stash of cash back into the flat. With Megan gone, there was no need to keep it hidden back at the club, and it meant I didn’t have to keep leaving the flat to get to it. I still hid it, hopefully in a place she wouldn’t find it.

After making food, there was nothing more for me to do. I collapsed on the sofa, contemplating how I would get to work. I wasn’t due until the day after tomorrow, but it was going to cost me. I needed to get a bus there but a taxi back, and that wouldn’t be cheap.

I could call Bernie, I supposed, but I wasn’t sure what that would achieve, and honestly, I didn’t want to call the guy if I didn’t have to. I could try Ziggy. He might have a bike. I couldn’t drive so that wasn’t an option.