Page 31 of Finding Beau


Iwasn’t sure what was happening between us, but the conversation was going well. I’d noticed Beau watching me while we ate, and if I was honest, I’d watched him too. He was beautiful, there was no denying that, but I got the feeling that’s all anyone saw. He was ridiculously good-looking,

Impossibly vivid blue eyes, a mop of blond hair that needed a good cut, but a messy style that suited him. His crooked smile charmed me. It lifted more on one side, an image of imperfect perfection.

I didn’t want him to think I wasn’t interested, but I also didn’t want him to think I only saw his beauty. I felt there was a troubled person behind the facade he projected, and God knows, if he had to put up with the attention of his boss at the club, I couldn’t blame him.

I wanted to get to know him, find out what caused the flicker of sadness I’d seen on his face a couple of times, but there was no way I’d just start interrogating him after only ten minutes together.

“So, you work at the club?” I thought I’d start with something easy.

“I do. I used to work at a cafe in Crosby, but that stopped a while back. It was seasonal work, plus the pay was crap. It’s not too bad at the club. Bernie pays minimum wage, but we get to keep any tips we take so that helps. It pays the rent anyway. Just have to put up with that bastard and his wandering hands and dick.

“What about you? Do you just have the band or a day job too?” I wasn’t sure if he was interested or if it was a ploy to change the subject.

“I work in my parents’ restaurant when I’m not studying at university. I want to be a psychologist, but they want me to take over the business with my sister and brothers. I don’t mind working there. Not something I want to do full time, though. I like helping people.” I turned to look at him as we walked, noting the interested look on his face.

“Yeah? I had you pinned as a wannabe popstar.”

“I can’t deny I love performing. Did loads of it at school with Cho.” I laughed, remembering the impromptu performances we’d do in the restaurant. “We used to do talent shows at school, singing and dancing. I did some drama too, but it wasn’t my thing.”

“I thought you were pretty good, actually. It’s not something I usually listen to, but”—he shrugged—“it was good.”

“So, what would you usually listen to? What’s your favourite music?” We walked along the front at the docks. There were shops, cafes and lots of people, and trying to avoid them had us walking closer together, our hands brushing. A tingle shot up my arm as his little finger grazed mine. I’d not been touched in any other way but platonically for quite some time, and a thrill of excitement had me smiling with the feeling.

I’d not spent much time in Liverpool. It was different to Manchester, being more industrial, but the docks area had been renovated to be a popular attraction, an area of old dock buildings and warehouses on the River Mersey.

There was so much to see, but we made our way into the city centre.

“Well, you know about The Beatles. They were from here, but I’m not a huge fan. I prefer more up-to-date music but will listen to anything, within reason. I hate country music. So, sorry if that’s what you like.”

“Does Billy Ray Cyrus count as country? I mean that track he did with Lil Nas, that was alright, wasn’t it?”

He stood still and looked at me. “You’re joking, right? That was terrible.”

A couple of old people came up behind him, and I realised there wasn’t enough room for them to pass. I reached for his arm, bringing him into my chest, out of their way. He fit perfectly. We were a similar height, Beau just an inch or two shorter. Our eyes almost level, our lips almost brushing.

We stood for a while, neither of us saying anything, both of us lost in each other’s eyes. I could see myself falling for him. He just had a way about him I found irresistible. A nudge from behind jolted us out of our trance, and I released him, stepping back.

Was that disappointment I saw on his face? I wanted to bring him back in for a hug, wrap my arms around him and surround him. It was a cool day, and I know he couldn’t have been warm in that thin shirt he wore. It looked slightly big on him, and I got the impression that maybe he didn’t have a lot of money to spare. That didn’t matter to me, though. I liked him for who he was. Material things were of no consequence as far as I was concerned.

I decided to throw caution to the wind and took his hand in mine. It was cool to the touch whereas mine were hot, nerves causing me to get all hot and bothered. I never did this. Had never done this. I wasn’t a PDA kind of person, but for him, I was willing to give it a go. We continued to stroll along the docks, me feeling particularly happy with the whole situation.

“You mentioned a family restaurant. Korean, yes?” he asked, a slight croak to his voice. I hoped it was because he was as affected by this as I was. I was trembling with apprehension, both at me taking his hand and at the idea of what others might say. I was glad he’d spoken, though, as it gave me time to take a breath and relax a little.

“Yeah, they’ve had it for years, probably will for many more to come. My sister Hana helps out there when she’s not looking after the twins. Her husband, Ollie, helps out too. Sung-Ho, or Sunny as we call him, is my brother. He’s twenty-one and works in the city for a bank. Not high-level banking, just customer service, and then there’s Jung, my other brother. He’s eighteen. I’m the oldest son, so it’s sort of expected of me even though it’s not really what I want. What about you?”

I felt his hand tense in mine, and I wondered what I’d said.

“Another long story saved for another day.”

“That’s at least two dates, and we have to listen to your music collection too. I count three more dates.”

“You’re being very optimistic. Three dates, huh?”

I nodded. “Yep, three dates. You could come see me. I could show you the sights of Manchester. You could come eat at the restaurant. Sometimes, the waiter service is out of this world, and occasionally, the drinks are on the house.”

We walked for a little longer, eventually finding our way back into the city centre, close to thenew hotel I was staying at. It didn’t feel right inviting him in. We were nowhere near there in our relationship. This was our first time out together, and it was still early in the day. I wasn’t against some fun in the afternoon, but it didn’t feel right with Beau. I wanted to do this right, if there even was a this.