Page 29 of Finding Beau


Iwasn’t quite sure what I’d been thinking, inviting Kwan out, but I was feeling good about not having gone into Bernie’s office tonight, so firing that text off seemed like something I needed to do.

On the drive home, I’d told Ziggy and Marc about the text message I’d received, and it was their encouragement that had me go for it.

I had nothing planned anyway for the next day or so. No work until Wednesday evening and a few days to try and get the flat straight. I still needed to replace some things; plates, mugs, that type of thing, but charity shops were a godsend when you were low on funds.

At least I could sleep easy knowing I was trying to get my life back on track. For too long I’d put the needs of others ahead of mine, and it had got me nowhere. I wished I could make amends with Megan after our last conversation, but I knew that was a long way away. I sometimes wished I could do more for her, but until she wanted to help herself, I realised there was nothing I could do.

I woke the next morning around ten, feeling more refreshed than I had in weeks, partly due to my chat with Ziggy and Marc, but also I think because of Bernie and my ‘date’ with Kwan.

I took my time getting dressed, choosing a shirt Ziggy had left behind Saturday evening and spraying a little of the aftershave I had left over from a few Christmases ago. Taking the bike would have been an easier option, but I didn’t want to arrive all hot and bothered for possibly the only date I’d been on in ages, so I caught the bus into the city and arrived at Ruby’s just before midday.

No arrangement had been made to meet inside or outside, but as I approached the cafe, there he was, his bright blue hair shining in the sun. I stood for a moment to take him in, to see if he was as gorgeous as I remembered, but my mind didn’t do him justice. His eyes crinkled as that brilliant smile broke across his face at something a young girl said to him. He put his head back and laughed, and I almost fell over a woman pushing her buggy.

“Oh, God. I’m so sorry. Are you okay?” I picked up one of the bags she’d dropped, placing it back into her outstretched hand.

“Are you causing trouble, Beau?” I turned to look at him, shielding my eyes from the sun, finally focussing on his face. His skin was so smooth, and I almost reached up to touch it. His beautiful, expressive brown eyes sparkled with humour.

He held out his hand, and I took it, having forgotten just how long and slender his fingers were. He wore a small silver band on his right-hand ring finger. I probably held on to it for longer than I should as he helped me to my feet, steadying me again as I stumbled.

“Falling at my feet on a first date, that’s got to be a new one.” I laughed, feeling a little silly that he could make me do that as I stood, dusting my jeans.

“A date, you say? A little presumptuous of you, Kwan.” It felt good to talk to someone like this. To flirt, to tease. It had been a while.

His smile faltered for a moment, but it came out in full force again as I laughed. Honestly, what this guy did to me? And I’d only just met him. I never did this, had never been attracted to someone the way I was to him. I stood to my full height, noticing how he was similar in stature, maybe a little slimmer than me, his jeans sitting just right on his hips, a short grey hoodie and black T-shirt beneath. Casual but not too much. I spied a Hilfiger logo on his shirt. I couldn’t afford one, but it looked good on him. Everything looked good on him.

I became conscious of the clothes I wore. My jeans were a bit more worn on the knees than I would have liked, Ziggy’s shirt ever so slightly too big. I’d had to roll the sleeves up so I didn’t look as if I was wearing my dad’s shirt. I couldn’t think what he saw in me, but the smile hadn’t left his face since he’d come over to me making me think he saw something.

“Shall we?” I gestured towards Ruby’s, neither of us saying a word. We matched stride for stride, and gentleman that he was, he opened the door, allowing me to go ahead.

“Go find a seat, and I’ll get us some drinks. What would you like?” I opened my mouth to protest, but he pushed me towards an emptying table. “Quick, go grab that. Normal coffee alright?”

I nodded, a little surprised by his dominance but not put off by it, and grabbed the table, helping the waitress clear it off before sitting down.

A few minutes later, Kwan returned, two plain white coffees on a tray and some sandwiches.

“I wasn’t sure if you were hungry or not or what you liked, so I got a selection. I hope you are. There’s quite a few.”

There were too. A plate piled high with a variety plus two brownies. I winced a little. I couldn’t let him pay for it all, and I really didn’t have the money to spare at the moment. I hoped he hadn’t noticed, but I wasn’t lucky enough for that.

“What? Is this not okay?” He placed the tray on the table and sat on the chair opposite me. “It’s too much, isn’t it? Fuck, Cho said I should take it easy. I never listen.”

“It’s fine, honestly. And who’s Cho?” Even though I couldn’t afford to pay my half, I wouldn’t let him suffer, grabbing a couple of sandwiches from the plate, trying not to shove them in my mouth. I’d not really eaten much since yesterday, so I was starving today.

He placed a small plate in front of me and handed me a coffee before taking a sip of his own and placing several sandwiches on his own plate.

He bit into one, a groan leaving his lips.

“Oh my God, I’m so hungry. We had to leave the hotel early, so I’ve had no breakfast or lunch. I haven’t eaten since last night.”

I watched him as he ate, taking delicate bites, chewing thoroughly before swallowing. Since when had I become obsessed with watching a man eat? The answer would be now as I watched him finish one and start on the next.

“Cho’s my best mate,” he explained, emptying his mouth of food. “He’s the one with the purple hair. We’ve known each other for years.” He took a sip of his coffee, and I watched as he swallowed, his Adam’s apple moving as he did so. I couldn’t stop staring and just wanted to lick it.

Damn, I had to stop this and try to at least have a conversation with the guy, but I felt my words getting stuck in my throat.

“Tell me about the band. I heard your manager died. I’m sorry.” If I could get him to talk, I could sit and not make a fool of myself and watch him talk at the same time. His plump lower lip tempted me, begging me to either lick it or bite it. I really didn’t care.