Page 25 of Finding Beau

Before we could discuss it further, my worst nightmare beckoned me from the other side of the bar.

“Beautiful, beautiful Beau. We missed you last night, but you can make up for your absence by doing your usual job and bringing me the takings tonight. You’re not in a rush, are you? I have…things I need to go over with you.”

I stood where I was, refusing to go any closer to him. Tonight was the night I stood up to him. After talking with Marc and Ziggy, I realised just how far I’d fallen over the past couple of months since working here. Something needed to change, and it had to come from me, and it had to happen now.

“I’ll bring the takings, but that’s it. I’ll be leaving as soon as I’ve given you the money.”

He looked at me, a frown on his face.

“I’m not really sure I heard you right there, Beau. I thought you said you’d bring the money and nothing else, but I know that can’t be right. You know I still have the CCTV footage, don’t you? That of your sister.”

“I’m aware, but considering she’s no longer living with me and I don’t know where she is, I’m not really sure if that’s relevant now. Plus, that’s blackmail, and I’m not going to let you do that anymore.”

I was shitting myself right now. I knew that every word I said was taking me further towards unemployment, and if I couldn’t pay the rent, I’d be out on the streets again. However, Marc’s and Ziggy’s intervention today had made me realise there were far worse things than giving myself to a man just because he had footage of my sister.

I was at the point where maybe she needed to learn a lesson, and if that meant spending time in the local nick, then so be it. I needed to start thinking about myself.

I’d spent the last God knows how many years looking after her, putting her needs first, only to find out she resented me for what had happened to her. I didn’t need her to blame me; I already did that myself.

“We’ll talk about this, Beau. Make sure you’re at my office no later than ten minutes after closing. I’ll be expecting you.”

As he walked away, Kenny sidled up next to me, touching my elbow.

“I can take it if you want. He never bothers me, and Ty wouldn’t let him, not now anyway. How about Ty goes with you? He won’t touch you then.”

“No, I’ll take it, and I’ll go on my own. I have to stand up to him.” I turned to look at him as he watched Bernie.

“I know what he’s been doing to you, Beau, and I’m just sorry I never did anything about it, Ty too.” His eyes were sad, and I knew he was telling the truth.

“It’s not your fault. I’m the one who should have put a stop to it, but…my sister.” A lump formed in my throat as I thought about her. She was my sister first, drug addict second.

“I know, mate, but the offer is there.” I smiled at him, grateful he’d do that for me.

“I have to do this my way, Kenny.” He nodded in agreement, a sympathetic smile on his face.

A customer called me over, and for the rest of the shift, we were busy, hardly having time to talk about what had happened.

Soon enough, though, the till had been reconciled, and I was on my way down the darkened corridor towards Bernie’s office.

I knocked and waited, hearing him moving towards the door, before finally opening it.

“I hope you’re not just going to hand that drawer over. You’d better come in.”

He stepped back from the door, expecting me to enter. I handed him the till and retreated into the corridor. I wasn’t going to go in, and he couldn’t make me.

“Not sure you want to do that, boy. I suggest you get that fine arse in this office now and give me what I want. You do not want to know what happens when you say no.” A cruel smile spread across his face, leaving me in no doubt as to what he would do to me, but I wasn’t going to go in there, not tonight nor any other night. I was done with being used.

“Bernie, you’re needed out front.” I almost sighed with relief as I heard Ty come up behind me.

“Can’t it wait, Ty?” I could hear the exasperation in Bernie’s voice, but this was the distraction I needed to get away.

“No, it can’t, sorry. I have a couple of people who are refusing to leave until they speak to the manager.”

“Go on in and wait for me, Beau. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He opened the door further, an expectant look on his face.

“I don’t think so, Bernie. I’ll be going home now. It’s late, but I’ll be back for my shift on Wednesday.”

I turned to leave and mouthed a ‘thank you’ to Ty, seeing a brief flicker of a smile on his face.