Page 23 of Finding Beau

Sammy rolled his eyes. “Gee, I didn’t think Lanying would cheat on me, but she soon found another guy to replace me without me knowing. I prefer to stay single these days, far less hassle, and with everything we have going on with Kings, it’s just easier.”

I knew Sammy had a point about Kings, but it had been so long since I’d had anyone. Certainly well before I joined the band. That was mostly my fault, though. I wasn’t out to my parents, so it was just easier to watch guys from afar. The only people that knew were Cho, Sammy and my older sister, Hana. She was two years older than me, and I knew she’d never tell our parents until I was ready to. Sometimes, I doubted I'd ever be ready, but the thought of living my life stuck in a closet was sounding more and more unappealing as the days went on.

“I’m happy as I am,” Cho said, taking a gulp of his tea. “I don’t need anyone at the moment. No one’s ever caught my eye, but I’ll know them when I see them.”

I thought his use of words was strange. No mention of her but no mention of a him either, and as I looked over at him to see if I could see anything in his face, there was nothing. He just carried on eating as if he hadn’t just said those words.

Whatever was going on with him, he’d tell me eventually. He always did.

We’d all finished, and while Cho and Sammy went back to their room, I reluctantly made my way to the room I should have been sharing with Kasem.

I didn’t bother knocking, just used my key card to let myself in. Kasem was standing in front of the mirror in just his boxers. As the light hit his torso, I could see scars littering his body and thighs. Small, equidistant scars—lots of them.

I considered backing out of the room before he saw me. I’d never seen those before, and I didn’t think the rest of the band had seen them either. What did this mean? Well, I knew what it meant, but I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d done it.

The scars looked old, and I felt as if I was seeing something I shouldn’t. I backed into the small area by the door, making a noise so as to alert him to my presence. He might be a dick, but I now realised there might be an explanation for why he was acting like an arsehole.

By the time I walked back into the room, he was wearing a T-shirt and sliding his jeans up his legs, covering the scars.

I said nothing and walked over to my bag, unpacking my toothbrush. His constant anger went some way towards explaining the cutting. I knew some people used it as a release, to try and make themselves feel better, but often, it’d leave them with feelings of shame and guilt.

I was currently at university studying Psychology as well as being a King, and was planning on becoming a therapist. It was something that was close to my heart as my younger brother, Jung, suffered with stress and anxiety. It had started early, just after he’d started high school, but even today, at eighteen, he still struggled with it.

After cleaning my teeth and dressing in clean clothes, I sat on the bed, checking my phone for that elusive message.

Still nothing but the message was still showing as unread. Was he just ignoring it in the hopes it’d go away?

I had no idea but noticed the time. It was almost ten thirty, and we were due at rehearsals at 11 a.m.

It was unusual not to have some contact with Saul, and even though it pained me to do it, I knew I should ask Kasem. He seemed to have his ear, so it stood to reason he’d have a direct line to his phone too.

“Have you heard from Saul? I’m surprised he’s not got in touch.” Kasem shrugged, not even bothering to answer my question.

He was like a child, blowing hot and cold. One minute being an arsehole, spouting off homophobic nonsense, andthe next just not speaking.

“I’ll go knock on his door then. See if he’s up.” I turned to leave. If he was going to be an arsehole about it…

“I can do it. You stay here and put your pretty face on for the boys.” I was getting pissed off with his comments.

“Seriously, Kasem, you really should stop with the fucking dickhead comments. You’re not doing yourself any favours with the other guys.”

“Like I care, Kwanchai. I really don’t.” He slipped on his shoes and moved towards the door. I followed him, staying a little way back until we finally reached Saul and Li’s room.

Li sat on the floor outside the door, his head in his hands, sobbing quietly.

I rushed to his side, wanting to know what was wrong. He waved me off, getting up off the floor and fleeing down the corridor towards the emergency exit. He burst through the door, no doubt setting off a silent alarm somewhere.

Well, something was wrong. I walked through the open door into Li’s room to see Kasem standing next to the bed, his hand to his mouth, silent tears falling from his eyes.

There on the bed lay a very dead Saul. There was no denying it. His eyes were open as if in shock, and I could see a trail of dried vomit on his cheek and bed.

Shit. We needed to call the police, an ambulance. I wasn’t quite sure what.

“Kasem. Kasem.” I took him by the arm and shook him, waking him from his daze. “Go to reception, and get them to call the police. Do you understand me?”

He turned to look at me, his eyes wide.

“Do you understand me, Kasem? We need the police and an ambulance. Can you do that for me?”

He finally nodded and left the room, leaving me with Saul’s cold, lifeless body. I knew he didn’t look after himself, punishing his body with alcohol, nicotine and fatty foods. I assumed he’d had a heart attack, but it wasn’t something we’d know straight away.

I needed to let Cho and Sammy know. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I called Cho. He answered after a few rings.

“Have you killed him yet, Kwan?” I could hear the laughter in his voice, but my next words would soon put a stop to that.

“No, but talking of dying…I think you and Sammy need to meet me at Saul’s room. There’s something you should see.”

I ended the call and sat on the chair nearest the window, waiting to see who’d turn up first, the police or Cho and Sammy.