“I walked. Only took me about twenty minutes.” I zipped my jacket up. It’d be cold out there this time of night. I wasn’t expecting to be leaving this late, but before I could leave, Simon handed me an envelope.
“Here’s your wages for the night, and there’s some money in there for a taxi. Make sure you take one. I know what it’s like at night. We’ll see you on Saturday, if that’s okay? Shall we say an eight o’clock start, and I’ll get you put on the rota for the next few weeks. Good to have you on the team, Beau. See you then.” He shook my hand, and I left the bar debating whether to get the taxi or just pocket the money. A gang of lads outside the bar, fighting and shouting, made up my mind, and I flagged down the nearest cab, finally slumping into the back seat.
Taking my phone out of my pocket, I saw I had numerous missed calls and texts, all from Kwan. It was almost midnight, but the last message had come through just five minutes earlier, so I knew he’d be awake.
I dialled his number, and he answered straight away. I spoke before he could say anything.
“I know, I’m late calling, sorry, but I kind of got stuck behind the bar. I’ve been there four hours and just now going home.”
“You got the job then. I knew you would. I’m proud of you, Beau. I couldn’t settle until I knew how you’d got on.”
“Simon paid me for tonight and gave me enough for a taxi.” The line was silent, and I thought he’d ended the call. “Are you still there?”
“Yeah, sorry, I’m still here. Who’s Simon?” Ah, I probably should explain.
“He’s the owner and manager. Seems a nice enough guy, certainly not like Bernie, that’s for sure.”
“Is he attractive?” Poor Kwan was feeling jealous.
“No, and he’s much too old for me. Anyway, I have a boyfriend if you didn’t know. A gorgeous blue-haired man, and I don’t cheat, Kwan. I’d never do that to you.”
“I’m very pleased to hear that. Thanks for calling. I’m shattered after tonight, and we have a gig now on Sunday. Alan fixed it up at the last minute.”
“Sounds good.” The taxi came to a halt, and I noticed we were at the flat. “Look, I’m home now, safe and sound. I’m shattered, though, and you need to get some rest too. I’ll talk to you tomorrow?”
“Of course, it’s what we do, right? Goodnight, Beau, rest well.”
“You too, Kwan. Goodnight.”
Entering the flat, I kicked off my shoes and threw my coat on the sofa before grabbing a glass of water. I was exhausted and collapsed into my bed, barely making it out of my clothes. I fell asleep almost straight away, dreaming of Kwan.