Page 47 of Finding Beau


“Hey, I brought you some coffee, milk and sugar, right?”

Realising I was half naked and thoroughly exposed, I quickly moved over towards the wall, dragging the duvet with me as I went. It wasn’t as if I’d forgotten Kwan was there, but my bravado from the night before had disappeared, leaving me nervous of today and how he would see me.

“Um, thanks.” I reached over, taking the steaming cup of coffee from his hands, watching as he slid into bed next to me, placing his cup on the bedside table. I couldn’t help but notice his smooth skin as he twisted and how his briefs hugged his muscly thighs, slowly raising my eyes to his groin. He definitely didn’t seem to be lacking in that area from what I could see. It brought my attention to my own dick, and I realised, far too late, that I was hard as a rock. Fuck!

He’d have seen that walking into the bedroom, sunlight streaming in through the grimy windows. There’d have been no way he’d have missed it. I cringed inwardly.

“I see you like to hog the bedclothes, but give a little, Beau, it’s cool in here. So unless you’re going to share, I might just need to come over to you and snuggle.”

I let go of the covers, letting him take back just enough so as not to expose my still raging hard-on.

“There, satisfied now?” I asked. “I don’t know. You talk your way into my bed and want to steal my covers too. Such a cheek.”

I tried to hide my embarrassment with words, and it seemed to have the desired effect as he turned that megawatt smile on me, making me blush. He was just stunning. I took a sip of the too hot coffee, almost spitting it out and choking at the same time.

“Here, let me take it from you.”

Kwan placed the mug next to his on the small table and faced me, patting me on the back as I coughed.

I felt such a dick, but when his pats turned to a gentle rub, the coughing stopped. I wiped my eyes and leaned into his touch as he started to stroke every part of my back, from my neck to just above my boxers, from side to side and finally, up and down my spine. I shuddered, the feel of his expert hands both soothing and sensual at the same time.

I groaned, never having been touched with so much feeling before, and when one hand became two, I thought I’d died and gone to heaven.

“Here, sit forward a bit. Let me get in behind you.”

I did as he asked and moaned again as he massaged and caressed every part of my back, goosebumps erupting on my naked skin. I was wedged back against him and could feel his hardness nudging my arse, making me think of all the things I’d like him to do to me. It was all I could do not to press myself into it, tell him through my actions what I wanted. But not yet, it was too soon, and I had no idea where this was going.

Contrary to popular belief, despite my run-ins with Bernie, I didn’t usually like to rush things, but this guy, this man, who smelled so fucking good, was melting my resolve.

I dropped my chin to my chest as he continued his ministrations, his hand dipping dangerously close to the crack of my arse. I shifted involuntarily, and this time, I heard him moan, felt his cock twitch against me. He carried on, though, stroking my too hot skin. His hand grazed my side, and I drew in a breath, trying to stifle a laugh.

I was ticklish, and if he carried on doing that, the sexy mood we had going would be reduced to a fit of giggles.

He did it again, and this time, I did laugh.

“Is my Beau ticklish?”

My Beau. Did he just say that?

Before I could stop him, both his hands came around and he tickled me. I squirmed, trying to get away, and before I knew it, I was on my back, Kwan straddling my thighs, tickling my ribs. I could hardly catch my breath, and tears ran down my face. I couldn’t remember the last time that had happened.

As soon as he started, he stopped and I glanced up at him, looking into the now darkened eyes of this gorgeous Asian man. A lock of blue hair fell over one eye, and ignoring the voice that told me to leave it, I reached up, brushing it out of his eyes, tucking it behind his ear.

A weird kind of tension filled the air, and I honestly had no idea what to do. I should have moved away, asked him to move, but instead I continued to stare. I took a chance and ran my hands up his thighs, watching as he threw his head back, his eyes closed.

This was me, taking what I wanted instead of being forced to give a piece of myself, and I was enjoying it. I slipped my fingers under the leg of his shorts, feeling the tension in his thighs, and a small exhale left his lips.

He leaned forward suddenly, his hands landing either side of my head, his lips so close to mine, I could lick them, so I did the only logical thing and licked, moving my hands from his thighs and around his waist.

“I think we should carry on where we left off last night,” he whispered and leaned down, capturing my lips with his. We fit perfectly, much the way we had last night, and we kissed passionately. We bit and licked, his warm tongue teasing mine. Our noses bumped as we tilted our heads, trying to get closer, our mingled breaths coming in pants.

My dick, which had never really given up on getting some action this morning, was hard against his, and I slipped my hands into the back of his briefs. Again it was smooth, and I was beginning to think this guy had no hair at all on his body. Not that I was complaining, I loved that on a man. Bernie was as hairy as fuck, and I’d hated it.

He released my lips, sitting back on my hard dick. “Get naked, Beau. I need to see you.”

He climbed off me, pulling his boxers down his long legs, kicking them off to the side. His solid erection bounced as he released it, a string of precum linking the head of his quite perfect cock to his stomach.