Page 4 of My Virgin Puck



“Quick!” Lisa cries out, startling me. “Madi, get over here. Mason’s got treats!”

Trying my best not to beam like a fucking idiot, I smile and grip my takeout coffee so hard it almost spills over the edges. I take a step and as I do, my toes catch on the chair and I stumble, only catching my balance with the aid of a filing cabinet.

“Shit,” I huff, looking up and hoping to hell he didn’t see.

Hold your shit together, Madi.

I run a hand over my belly, take a deep breath and look up. My coffee is steaming hot, but now my burning cheeks are running a close second. Luckily for me, Judy is smothering Mason with question after question, twirling her hair around her finger like she always did when she talked to him.

The girls in the office are always gossiping about the players. I’m telling you, for a bunch of married women, they’re certainly no saints. Given the opportunity, these girls would jump the bones – or muscles in this case - of the guys on the ice without a second thought for their poor husbands.

“Oh, Mason,” Lisa squeals, sounding more like a high school cheerleader than a mother of two gorgeous children. “Sweetie, you really are a genius. These are amazing!”

And Mason Miller is their all-time favourite.

I’ve only worked here a few months, and luckily for me, I spend most of my time working alone in the gift shop. If I had to sit at a desk all day and listen to them relay their step-by-step dream encounter with the Vikings defensive wall that is Mason Miller, then I would have quit a long time ago.

I get it.

I really do.

No… Like, I really, really do. I’ve had the exact same dreams about Mason, only, I don’t tell my colleagues about them. I don’t describe every tiny thing that I want to do to him in excruciating detail.

“Madi! You’ll want to be quick, or they’ll be all gone!”

I shake my head. Fuck.

“Coming!” I sing out, dodging the chair leg I stumbled over. “What have we got today, girls?”

I lean on my toes and look in the container where three brown, sugar coated cakes rest. I shrink down, avoiding the deep eyes of Mason who’s towering over the countertop. The desk is currently the only thing that’s stopping Judy from dry humping his leg, and with the way her tongue is hanging out her mouth, I’m surprised she’s not drooling like a fucking Saint Bernard.

All I want to do is look up at him. But my cheeks are burning, and my tongue has swelled to twice its normal size.

And then I get a whiff of his cologne. It’s a mix of sweetness and raw masculinity. It’s earthy and homely. Gentle, yet hard, all at the same time.

It’s all too much and my hand is shaking as I reach into the container to grab the tiny cake.

“Get ready for your mind to be blown,” Lucy says, her eyes popping.

“Now come on, girls…” Mason’s deep voice rumbles against the desk and I swear my ovaries just contracted. “If you keep these compliments up, my head will be too big to fit through that door.”

I let out a soft laugh. It’s the best I can do. Despite every ounce of me wanting to stare at his chiselled jawline and handsome features for the rest of my life, I look away the second we make eye contact.

Being shy is a curse. I’m telling you now. A fucking curse.

Every desire of my body wants to dance around the desk, rub Mason’s giant tree-like arms and tease his beard with my fingertips. I want to run my tongue along his neck and bite down on his cute little ears, nibbling as he whispers sweet nothings in my ear.

But no. None of that will happen because I’m Madison Connor.

And I’m a big fucking sook.

“Are you going to eat that or just stare at it?” Judy says, her brows raised over the tops of her glasses.

“Oh, yeah, right…”