Page 2 of My Virgin Puck

“I’m sorry to say this man, but you look like you need to get laid.”

A giant ball of saliva lodges itself in my throat and as I suck in a shocked breath. Choking and spluttering, spit flies all over Jamie’s face.

“Laid?” Clutching my chest, I gawk across as Jamie wipes my saliva off his cheek. “I don’t need to get laid.”

Two ladies who work in the front desk breeze by. I’ve got a little surprise for them in my bag which I plan to deliver right after I deal with the fucking smug grin Jamie’s giving me.

“Yeah. You do.” Jamie shoots a cocky smile that makes my blood rise. “How long has it been anyway? A month? Two months?”

Don’t say a fucking thing. Especially not to him.

“My personal life is my business.” I do my best to hold firm despite the simmering tension in my gut. “And I’m especially not telling you, Fisher.”

Jamie shoves his hands in his pocket and crosses his arms over his chest. His face is alive with amusement, and if he wasn’t my teammate, I’d be tempted to slog him.

My hands curl by my side. I can’t find the right words to end this conversation without revealing my biggest secret. No one at the Viking’s knows my secret.

And they don’t need to either.

Noah Edwards zooms around the corner, closely followed by Jacob Rule and luckily for me, they’re heading in our direction. They’ve both got a sports bag identical to mine slung over each their shoulders, and my stomach winces at the sight of the crinkles in Jacob’s untidy tracksuit.

They slap Jamie on the back, smiling as the greet each other.

“What’s up, man?” Jacob pulls Jamie in for one of those manly chest-bump-hug things that I’ve never been a fan of.

“Bro, you were dogged on Saturday night! That chick… Fuck man, she was on you like a leech!” Jamie nudges Jacob who’s shaking his head.

“She might have been crazy-girl level of drunkenness, but when I got her home…” Jacob swipes his brows and blows a whistle that makes me want to thump him. “Damn. Honestly, boys…” Jamie makes a conscious effort to grip me by the shoulder and look me in the eye. “Best. Sex. Ever.”

My nose twitches and I see Noah look up, his bored expression telling me he’s heard enough of this chatter, too.

“Anyway… What’s happening with you, Mase?” Noah says, ignoring the cackling laughter of the guys beside us who are dry humping the air, reliving Jacob’s weekend ‘accomplishment’.

I like Noah. Top guy. He’s been looking more relaxed and calmer ever since he’s been hanging out with that girl from New York. He’s always seemed grounded, and he’s well liked amongst the boys in the locker room. I guess that’s to be expected when you’re defending the MVP title for the umpteenth time.

“Not much, just-”

“We’re taking him out!” Jamie flashes a hand between Noah and me, sliding his thick body between us. “Tonight. We’re all going to head to The Bloody Viking.”

My chest races and I shove a forearm against Jamie, forcing him aside. “I’m not going out on a Monday night, moron!”

Jamie giggles like a little fucking girl. “Oh, why not? Mummy say you have to stay in?”

I feel my cheeks heat. “Fuck you, Jamie.”

My body is shaking. I don’t usually react like this, but fuck this piece of shit is starting to get to me. My fists are tight and shaking. My cheeks are burning.

I need to hit something.

Or someone…

I glare at the back of Jamie’s head as he walks up the corridor. Him and Jacob are laughing loudly as the sight of them finally evades my scowl, leaving Noah and me standing in the entrance foyer alone.

Hanging out with a bunch of brawny hockey players takes its toll when you’re not ‘one of them’. It’s constant torment and a barrage of jokes. Just because I like to cook and read books doesn’t make me a different breed of man.

That’s what’s different about Vancouver. The team here are great compared to the others I’ve played on. They really are a decent bunch of guys to play hockey with.

But there’s always one exception.