“What the fuck are you eating?” I shot back, my pulse twitching fast. I knew if I made something up, he’d know I was lying. Eli knew me too well, and I was a shit liar, anyway. Eli looked at his plate. He’d picked up one of Ben’s canapés, a cracker with some kind of pate on it, but he’d flipped it upside down on a potato chip. Apparently Eli had opened the bag I left after all.
“Yeah, what the fuck is that?” Ben said from across the table.
“It’s all going in my stomach together anyway,” Eli said, shoving the strange combo in his face.
In my hand, my phone buzzed again, but I knew better than to look at it.
“An abomination,” Ben said, though I knew he wasn’t too pretentious about his food. It wasn’t haute cuisine at his restaurant, more like meat and potatoes, only French. Still, the combo was strange enough to irk him.
“Damn, that’s good,” Eli said around his food.
“Okay, get me one,” I said.
Eli grinned, making a see? face to Ben.
“Not you too,” Ben scowled.
“Are we gonna play poker or what?” Ulrich asked.
“I want one too,” Winona said. She saw where my hand was, gripping my phone with white knuckles. “Beer too, Eli.”
“So demanding,” Eli said from the counter, but complied.
Winona winked at me. She was distracting him for me.
And thank Christ, because when I opened the next message—shielded from the others—my mouth went dry.
CHELSEA: This is the rest.
With that, she’d sent the same photo, only zoomed out. All the way out to show her whole torso.
Her naked torso.
I pressed the button on the side of the phone in a panic, making the screen go dark. But it was too late. My heart smacked against my ribs, and my dick swelling from just that little glimpse.
What the fuck was happening?
But when I looked around, everyone was involved in conversation—arguing about messing with Ben’s canapés.
I opened the screen again, keeping it under the table with my hand cupped over it for extra protection, and tapped on her text, pulling her image up again.
I nearly groaned out loud.
She was so fucking beautiful I couldn’t stand it. The lamp cast a glowing light across her chest, amplifying the soft curve of her breast, the tight pinch of her nipple. I felt my cock swell even further as I imagined what that bud would feel like under my thumb.
And my tongue.
Ben and Eli were in a heavy debate right now, but I knew I couldn’t keep staring at a photo of Eli’s naked sister in the same room with him.
I quickly tapped out a reply.
SEAMUS: I have no fucking words, Chelsea. Except…
I hesitated.
SEAMUS: I want you. No, I fucking need you.