My eyes went to the soft pink of her lips, the quick dart of her tongue flicking out. My cock was so hard now it strained painfully against my zipper. If she looked down, she’d see.
I wanted her to see.
Fuck, I wanted her. But a punch of anger hit me, too.
I stood up, bringing her with me. “It’s not fair, Chelsea, leaving it up to me.” I pressed her against me, lifting her to her toes. I pressed her harder, bringing her up so her eyes met mine. Her tits were pressed against my chest. Without saying another word, I demanded her consent, or her telling me no. Whatever it was, I needed her to say the word.
And she knew it.
She swallowed, a bob of her perfectly soft skin at her neck.
Her expression was… torn. She wanted this. I knew she did. But she was fighting it.
I gritted my teeth. Then I set her back down on her feet.
“Don’t,” I said. I stepped away from her, bending down to shove the stuff back into the first aid kit.
“Seamus, I want it.” Chelsea reached down and threaded her hands through my hair. Her lips parted as I stood.
A kiss. It would just be a kiss.
But just as I brought my hand behind her head, there was an electronic chime, followed by a loud bark.
They were back.
It was like glass shattering, or a record needle shifting. Suddenly I could see everything before me like some kind of outside observer.
What the hell was I doing?
I backed away from her again, this time as if I’d burned her. “I’m… shit. I’m sorry Chelsea, I shouldn’t have…”
She was shaking her head. “No. I…” She hesitated.
I didn’t want to hear her making excuses for me. “Let me go check on the dog,” I said. Then I strode past her to the door, leaving her there. I fled, needing air that wasn’t ours. Needing a moment to collect my goddamn thoughts.
And for my fucking hard-on to go away.
Dad was in the hallway, his back to me, crouched down next to Lola.
But instead of heading toward him, I went to the sink in the break room, where I splashed cold water on my face and on the back of my neck; discreetly readjusting myself to hide the bulge at my crotch. The reality of what I’d just done slid through me like a knife.
I thought of Eli, his shoulders dropping when I promised him I’d look out for Chelsea.
We’re just so fuckin’ worried.
How was I any different from any of those other dudes trying to get inside her pants? I was exactly the kind of guy Eli was worried about.
As I was patting my face dry with a towel, Lola’s barking grew louder, and I looked up through the glass to see Dad coming down the hallway, pulling back on the leash to try to get the dog to heel.
“You all right?” he asked, an eyebrow up.
“Yeah,” I said, fumbling for some reason why I was at the sink splashing cold water on my face, instead of in my office with my best friend’s little sister.
I hesitated. But this was Dad—the least I could do was give him some version of the truth. “It was hard seeing her like that again,” I said. “After… you know.”