I was warmed by that. Eli. Who’d have thought? “You really do talk about everything with Eli, huh?”
“He’s the only one who really knows me. And maybe my Dad.”
My heart ached. My mom was like that for me.
“You’re lucky to have each other,” I said.
“Yeah.” He looked out over the sparkling lights of downtown Quince Valley. “I am. But Chelsea, I don’t always tell him everything. I just want you to know that.”
“Okay,” I said, wondering what that meant.
I could see him waiting to see if I’d say more, but unlike most people, he didn’t ask me to. More tension slipped from my neck like water rolling over it. Seamus wouldn’t expect me to open up. He wouldn’t try to pry like my siblings, or joke like my so-called friends that I never told them anything. I wouldn’t have to explain to him or myself that I didn’t open up with anyone, that it wasn’t personal. I could just… be.
A breeze picked up, and I realized how cool it was, and how late.
Seamus must have too because he said, “I guess it’s pretty late.”
“No,” I said. “I mean, yes, it is, but I’d love to eat.” That was the truth.
There was the smile again, bigger now, and a little lopsided. “Good,” he said. “I’m starving.” He pulled out his phone and flicked on the flashlight, aiming it in front of us toward the path.
I really shouldn’t have said yes. It was confusing seeing him in this new way, as something other than Eli’s friend. As his own person with thoughts and feelings. And pain. And kindness.
But I was starving too.
There was just enough room for both of us to walk up the path side by side, with him pointing the light in front of me.
Maybe, just maybe, Seamus Reilly and I could be friends—the kind that companionably ate meals together. Looked out over the valley and into the stars together. Just existed together without expecting anything more. All I had to do was ignore that feeling I got when he looked at me a certain way.
Or stood close to me. Or took my hand.
Or did something kind, like holding a light for me, without a thought for his own feet.
If I did that, maybe this could be the best thing to come out of this whole mess.