Page 107 of Fall for Me

She laughed and kissed me again, and I knew right then that this was heaven.

That is, until a figure appeared at the door of the restaurant behind us.


We both turned as I set Chelsea on her feet, though I didn’t dare let her go.

It was Eli, scowling. “That’s my sister.” Then he broke into a grin as wide as the sun. “Goddammit, Seamus. Just what I need, another brother.”

After we’d traded tearful hugs and arm punches and Eli’s puking face when we kissed again, Eli said he’d pay for their coffee and meet up with us later, saying he had something to do. I didn’t bother asking what it was. All I wanted was to hang onto Chelsea and never let her go.

At the door of the cafe, he asked, “Hey, can I tell her yet?”

Chelsea frowned. “Tell me what?”

I grinned, kissing her on her scar. “About Lola.”