Tempers are starting to fray. It has been a week since Tal went missing, and we still haven’t found any trace of where Tal is which is messing with everyone. Tal is one of us, a brother that has stood by each one of us when we needed it most, and we will not rest until we find where he is and bring him back.

We have interrogated Drake’s sister to no avail, as it seems that she was telling the truth, or she thinks she was. Maybe they gave her that information, knowing that she would tell Drake and he would tell us. Today Zane is meant to arrive, and everyone is on tenterhooks as it has been two centuries since we last saw him.

Tor took a while to find him and then convince him to help us or threaten him to help us, which I think is more the case. Either way, he should be arriving today, and I can tell by Einar’s expression that he is not looking forward to it, as Zane and him have history.

Whatever happens, we need to try to hold our opinions and tempers in check until this is over, and we have Tal back home. The one thing that keeps us all going and from losing our shit is the fact that Tal is still alive.

We thought that maybe the Desperados would try to trade Tal’s life for Esmeralda’s, but there has been no communication from them which tells us that it’s not them that have Tal. We suspect that Aldor has Tal somewhere, but with all the money and means he has, there’s no way that we will be able to find him soon.

All I know is that whatever happens, we won’t give up. We will turn every stone until we find where they have stashed him, and then we will burn the fucking place down. I look up when I sense Siena approaching. With everything that has happened to her, and with the things that are currently going on with the club, I am proud of the way she is holding on.

My woman has got courage. She stood up to those fuckers that were about to attack her and Esmeralda instead of shying away, like most would have done. She has completely drawn me in. I know that she’s my mate, and that we were immediately drawn to each other, but nothing would make me love her the way I do if I didn’t respect her courage, her wisdom, and her caring nature.

Siena has brought hope and love back into my life. She has ignited a drive in me that has been dead for a long time. I was ready to give up—ready to find peace instead of the constant fight against myself. Now when I look at myself, I am like a different person, as I know that Siena cares for me. To know that you have someone that genuinely cares and wants you is a feeling that no one can explain. My woman looks at me with such tenderness and love that it ignites the fire in my soul, the water in my body, the light in my mind, and the fervent heat in my heart. I want to live and share myself with her.

I want to show her the world; I want to have a family with her, something that I had given up hope on imagining that I would never be able to see my child looking at me with innocence in its gaze. That I would never be the one to teach my child what I know, to hold a replica of Siena in my arms and know that it was made with love. The love that I hold for its mother.

“Are you hiding in here?”

I smile at her words. “You could say that,” I reply as I throw down the cloth I was cleaning my hands with. We will be going out later again, but we have started to believe that Tal isn’t in South Africa anymore, and that we need to start looking beyond our borders. When yet another argument broke out between Einar and Burkhart, I decided it was time to leave. Tinkering with my Harley has always kept me busy and out of trouble. It was either that or making love to my woman, but after last night’s marathon, I think she will be a little tender. This whole business with Tal is messing with my head and the only way to forget, even if for an hour, is when I am making love to Siena.

Last night was a long session of torrid sexual experiences for her, which exhausted her to the point of not even hearing me get up and showering this morning.

“I didn’t take you for a chicken,” she teases.

“If I can prevent being part of an argument, I will. Besides, it’s much more relaxing than just me and my ride,” I tease with a wink.

“Do you have any leads?” she asks with a frown as she comes to stand before me, her hair a flame of radiance flowing around her shoulders, her eyes watchful.

“No, but Zane is arriving today, which will hopefully help us find some kind of vestige of Tal’s energy,” I reply as I raise my hand to slide it around the back of her neck, massaging the tense muscles there.

“Why don’t the guys like Zane?”

Her question has me sighing. “Zane is actually a really good guy, but he doesn’t follow rules too well.”

“You mean, more than you guys?”

I grin as I shrug, it’s true that our chapter isn’t much into following rules, but when it comes to Zane, he is a force unto himself.

“The last time Zane was a MC member, he nearly got a few of the others killed because of his rebellious ways, and all because he wanted to show Draco that he could do it,” I state, remembering the touch and go situation that got him banned.

“So, Draco and Zane don’t like each other,” she says, inclining her head.

“I don’t know about that. Zane is Draco’s younger brother.”

She gasps, her eyes widening.

“I think that it’s not easy to grow up in Draco’s shadow. In my opinion, Zane has always just been trying to measure up to him.”

“The girls were saying that Draco is the only one that can bend all the elements. Is that true or can Zane also do it?”

I frown. It’s true that Draco is crazy powerful, but I’m sure there are some of us out there that can bend more than one element. Like Tor, for example, he can bend two.

“No. I doubt Zane is anywhere near as powerful as Draco. Firstly, Draco is nearly nine hundred years old, which as you know with time our powers grow. It is true that Draco’s ancestors were some of our strongest warriors, his bloodline is pure, same as Zane’s, but Draco is older, and until the last time I saw Zane, much wiser.”

Siena raises her arms, sliding her hands around my neck. Her breasts rub against my chest, her fragrance enticing my passion.