Yesterday was madness. I never thought I’d go through something like that. But ever since I was kidnapped, my life has changed completely. My normal, boring life is now filled with danger and excitement. I used to complain about how my life was always the same thing. Well, I’m sure I am being punished now for complaining, because I don’t think anyone has a hundred- and eighty-degree change like I have.

The frustrated woman that constantly dreamt of a different life is now mated to a man that any woman would gladly sleep with. His looks are a wet dream waiting to happen. Even the light scar he has on his face adds to his magnetism. When I first asked him about the scar, he was reluctant to reveal its origin, but then he told me that when his wife died, her father was beside himself with the fact that Eirik couldn’t help her. He didn’t go into detail, but he mentioned that he tried to kill him, and because of his feelings of guilt in not being able to give her what a true mate should have, he made sure that the scar didn’t heal and stayed evident for him to remember what he did.

Looking towards where the men are, I shake my head, still bemused at how I got here. The room is filled with dangerous looking men—men whose tempers are running rampant. This morning Draco, Wulf, Ceric, Burkhart and Bjarni arrived, and I still can’t stop looking at them.

The absolute animalistic quality in all of them is hypnotic. When Wulf caught my eye earlier, I swear he was looking right into my soul, his violet-coloured eyes mesmerizing. “So, girl, I hear you can give guys a bit of a shock?” Looking towards Nova, who is leaning against the counter in the bar, I smile. Meeting some of these women has been fun. I’m still amazed at how there are so many women out there with such amazing gifts, and the world doesn’t know about how many special people there are in the world.

“You could say that,” I reply with a shrug.

“Don’t be modest, Siena, you nearly fried their asses,” Anastasia interrupts.

“Now that is an interesting gift to have. I wouldn’t mind shocking Ceric every now and again,” Nova states as she looks over at her man that is bent over one of the tables, looking at a drawing of the area where Tal went missing.

“I think you do enough of that on a daily basis, don’t you?” Gabriela asks from where she’s looking down at her phone texting.

“Yeah, but just think,” Nova says. “When we’re both in bed and he’s about to go to sleep, I shock him just a little to get his blood pumping, or when he’s being irritating I shock him enough to curl his hair.”

At her words, I laugh, shaking my head. The others warned me about Nova and how crazy she can be.

“The only problem is that I can’t shock any of the Elementals.” I see Nova’s eyes widen at my statement and then a grin widens across her face.

“You don’t know?” There is a naughty grin on her face as she looks at the other women. “You didn’t tell her?”

“Tell her what?” Freya asks with a frown.

“No!” Nova says in surprise. “Are you telling me that they are keeping this a secret from you guys?”

“Keeping what a secret?” Anastasia asks.

“Nova, Tor isn’t going to be pleased with you,” Jasmine says from where she’s sitting next to Gabriela.

“Really? And what’s he going to do, ban me from coming here?” she asks, with a mischievous expression on her face. “Oh wait, he already did that, and guess what?” She twirls around. “Here I am.”

“What secret?” Anastasia asks again.

“We can all use our gifts with the Elementals. The only trick is that you need to be touching another of the women while touching the Elemental for it to work.”

Her statement has me looking at Esmeralda, who is frowning at Nova, and then back to Nova.

“Are you saying that if I want to shock someone, I would just need to hold your hand, for example, and touch the Elemental, and I would be able to shock them?”

Nova smiles as she nods.

“You want to try it?”

“Nova!” Katrina calls in a warning as she shakes her head in amusement. “You’re going to get her into trouble.”

“Nonsense, they need to know,” she replies.

“That means I can freeze Ulrich when he’s being a real ass.” Anastasia says with a big grin on her face. “Oh, Nova, this is great news.”

“The guys won’t think so,” Gabriela quips with a wink just as we hear a deep snarl that has all of us turning towards the group of men to see Draco and Tor facing each other in anger.

“I said no,” Draco states in a low, angry voice.

“If he can help us find Tal, I am getting him,” Tor replies, his voice also vibrating in anger