“His throne?” Siena asks surprised, “so it really is supposed to be a throne?”

I nod as I let go of her to go and pick up the solid chair and take it back to where I know it usually should be.

“Should I even ask why you were moving that?”

“Umm,” Siena starts and then looks at Anastasia with uncertainty.

“We were just trying to see his painting more closely,” Anastasia replies with a shrug, a reply that has my brow raising in question.

“You couldn’t see it from the ground?” Ulrich also questions as he looks at the painting.

“It doesn’t have a painter’s name; do you know that?” Anastasia reveals as she points at the painting.

I look over at it, seeing the contours of the naked woman, the same naked woman that Tor has hanging behind his desk in the office. “No, it wouldn’t,” I mutter as I place my arm around Siena’s shoulders, guiding her out of the room because I suddenly feel like an intruder.

Tor is secretive about his life. Even though I have known him for centuries, I still don’t know the whole truth about his background. The only one that knows more about Tor than I do is Draco, and I know that the story about this woman in the painting is one of Tor’s secrets that he would rather not anyone know.

I know enough to keep my mouth shut, know enough to respect his secrets.