“Didn’t you find him?” Tor asks as Colborn and Einar approach. When the fighting began, we all got separated, but after disposing of the guys that came at us, we realized that one of ours was missing. These fuckers were waiting for us. This was an ambush.

“No, there is no sign of him,” Einar mutters as he comes to stand before Tor and me. His hands are low on his waist as he stands with us, waiting for the others to come back. Tor sent us all out to check the area for any sign of Tal. We know that he isn’t dead, or we would have found evidence of his death and felt the shift in energy.

“Those motherfuckers must have him,” I grunt in anger, thinking of what they will subject him to.

“We will wait for the others to make sure,” Tor replies, the anger vibrating in his voice. “Someone will catch the vibration of his energy.”

“We fucking better,” Colborn growls in anger as he paces before us. His furious energy crackling around him as he steps. “Those enhanced sons of bitches are starting to piss me off.”

Just then Garth and Dane come into view as Ulrich and Asgar approaching from the other side.

“Nothing,” Ulrich states as he comes to a stop a few feet away, throwing up his hands “This is not good.”

Garth shakes his head when he gets to us.

“There must be some sign of him. We will all go back in and comb that fucking property until we find something,” Tor roars as he heads towards the edge of the property. “Spread out,” he orders.

We won’t leave Tal behind They took him, but we will find him. The anger coursing through my veins is like a live wire of fury that wants a target to be unleashed on. I start walking back towards the house, moving through the wooded area slowly as not to miss anything. The closer we get to the house, the angrier I get when I don’t find any signs of Tal.

There was something off from the minute we walked into this fucking property. There is something that we are not seeing. I take another step and freeze. “Where did they come from?”

My question has the others stop their search.

“There is no way that they were here, or we would have sensed them. Do they have something masking their energy, or did they just appear? Which I don’t think is possible unless they’re ghosts.”

“Trust me, the two bastards I fought were real,” Asgar calls.

“So, how did they appear without us hearing or seeing them?” I ask.

“Fuck me,” Dane suddenly grunts. The next minute he is lifting his hands above his head and closing his eyes as if to bend the air around him. “They dropped in,” he states suddenly as he turns towards where Tor is standing with a scowl adorning his face. “The ones that left must have done it the same way.”

“Shit, how are we going to find him like that?” Ulrich asks, throwing his hands up.

“We can ask Draco. Maybe Jasmine or Gabriela will be able to see something,” Einar replies with a raised brow.

“We could also get Zane.” I know that there will be opposition in asking Zane to help us. After all, Zane can’t be trusted most of the time because he is unpredictable. The guy is out of his rocker most of the time, but he’s our best bet when it comes to tracking in the air.

“Yeah, and how the hell are you going to do that?” Colborn asks. “The asshole is a force unto himself and listens to no one. You know Draco would give us hell if we were to deal with him.”

“I will speak to Draco about Jasmine helping us, and then I will find Zane and bring him here by his fucking balls if I have to. But if he can help us, then he will help,” Tor states as he looks at us, his energy palpable with the rage he is holding at bay.

“Fuck, Tor, are you sure?” Einar asks. “That asshole is a loose cannon.”

“He might be a loose cannon, but he has mastered his element like no one ever has,” Tor replies. “I will make sure that he finds Tal.” With those words Tor snaps around, making his way back towards where we have our bikes.

“That was not a good suggestion,” Einar remarks as he walks past. Einar and Zane have history. But that is something that we will all have to live with if he can somehow find Tal. When we reach the bikes, Tor is on his phone, his body tense as he talks. The grave tone of his voice has all of us making a beeline for our Harley’s.

It’s not a good idea to be around Tor when he loses his shit, but rather clear a path and let him be. We are all revved up from the fight, and now that they have taken Tal, our tempers are crackling. “Son of a bitch,” Tor roars and then his phone is being thrown. Shit, he’s not going to be too happy about that when he calms down.

Whatever Draco had to say did not make him happier. “They attacked the club while we were gone.” Those words have me snapping to attention. He wasn’t talking to Draco; he must have been talking to one of the guys at our club.

“What happened?” If they touched Siena, I will hunt every single one of them down and skin them. I lean forward, starting my bike as he confirms that the women are fine. I notice Ulrich is already revving his bike, riding towards home like a bat out of hell. I don’t blame him; all I want to do is make sure that Siena is fine. I want to see her with my own eyes.

This whole day was a cluster fuck. We got duped into coming here, which resulted in Tal going missing, and they took that opportunity to penetrate our club. Motherfuckers need to die. I twist the throttle, letting the bike race me back home. Ulrich is just before me and I can hear the others behind, but I don’t pay anyone any attention as I ride around the twisty bends.

At any other time, I would have enjoyed this ride, but today I am driven to reach Siena as soon as possible. I do not like the fact that I wasn’t there when she needed me. I don’t like this danger that we live, this danger that constantly follows us.