“Do you think she is someone he knows?” Freya asks, with a curious expression on her face.

“Must be. He does have two paintings of her, unless he just likes this artist’s work,” Anastasia suggests as she raises on her tiptoes to try to see something. “Esmeralda, can you see an artist’s name on here?”

Esmeralda can use her abilities to see better than anyone here I look at her as she looks at the painting, her eyes roving over it.

She shakes her head. “Nope.”

Freya gets up, walking towards the painting to stand next to Anastasia. “That’s strange, usually artists sign their work,” she says.

“Maybe it’s on the back?” I suggest.

“You think?” Freya asks, as she glances back at me.

“I don’t know, as it’s a raunchy painting maybe the artist didn’t want people to know who painted it,” I reply with a shrug.

Anastasia turns, heading towards a big throne-like chair placed by the window. I laugh when she takes hold of the back, trying to move it but it doesn’t budge.

“Jeepers, is this thing made of steel or what?” she mutters as she tries again, huffing when she simply moves it half a foot.

“Maybe gold,” Esmeralda quips, also grinning at her efforts.

“Well, some help would be great!” she states as she places her hands on her hips and she looks at us. “You do want to know who painted that, don’t you?”

“Not really,” Esmeralda teases.

“We could contact the artist and find out who the woman is,” Freya suggests as she walks to help Anastasia.

“You just sit,” I order Esmeralda as she moves to stand. “You don’t want to be pulling and picking stuff up in your condition.” I hear her sigh as I come to stand next to Anastasia.

“I’m not an invalid,” she argues.

“Of course not, honey, just pregnant,” Freya confirms as we start pushing the chair towards the painting. Anastasia wasn’t joking, it is heavy. “Why the hell does he want such a heavy and ugly chair in this room,”

“It’s his throne,” I grunt as we push it the last couple of feet.

“He probably does see it as such. I’m surprised he doesn’t have it in the bar area and makes us all bow to him,” Anastasia quips with a laugh as she stands on the chair, leaning towards the painting. She lifts the bottom to look behind it.

“Don’t give him any ideas. He probably would,” Freya laughs.

“There is nothing here either.” Anastasia mutters as she lifts it a little more.

“Let me look,” Esmeralda says, coming to stand against the wall as she looks up behind the painting. “Can’t see anything.”

“Strange, why would someone not sign their name when they are clearly talented,” I ask.

“Do you think maybe he painted it?” Anastasia asks as she looks down at us.

“No,” Esmeralda replies with a frown. “I can’t see him holding a paintbrush. A gun, axe, or even sword, yes, but a paintbrush no.”

“Esmeralda is right,” Freya agrees. “Tor is way too rough to be a painter.”

“Then who painted this?” Anastasia asks as she steps down from the chair, “because it must have been someone he knows.”

“Maybe it’s the woman in the painting.” I suggest, as I look up at the painting.

“Now I really want to know who she is,” Anastasia agrees. “Shall we have a snoop around?”

“Knowing Tor, he will know and have our heads,” Freya retorts.