My eyes burst open to the sound of a gun firing. My heart starts racing when I think of Eirik being hurt. Jumping off the bed, still naked as when he left me, I hurry to dress in case someone walks in here. I’m looking for my sneakers when I hear another shot, then Anastasia Is screaming, which has me running out of the room with only my T-shirt and jeans on.

“What’s going on?” I ask when I see Esmeralda hurrying towards the bar area.

“From what I can hear, it’s the Desperados trying to breach the gate, but Dag and Haldor are there holding them back with two of the prospects, I think Drake and…

I gasp in fright. Before Esmeralda can finish her sentence there is a loud cracking sound and then we see two men that are clearly not bikers rushing towards us. “Oh no, you don’t,” I scream as I hold out my hands. I draw the current in, feeling it flow through my body and then I am letting it out through my hands just as the men come close enough to try to grab us.

When the current hits one of the men he is thrown back against the wall, the other screams in pain, and then he is falling where he was standing. I breathe in slowly, still feeling the current flowing through my body. I can feel its force stronger than I have ever felt it before and realize by the men’s unconscious states that my power has in fact grown since bonding with Eirik.

“Oh, my word. I was sure that we were done for when I saw those two guys coming for us, but damn, Siena,” Esmeralda says in awe as she looks at me. “You literally toasted their ass.” Just then Anastasia and Freya come running from inside the bar area with a worried expression on their faces as they stop dead in their tracks when they see the two men.

“What happened here?” Freya asks in surprise as she looks at the men.

“They came in through the back. I think they broke in through the back door,” Esmeralda explains as we hear more gunfire. “What is happening outside?”

“We went out to help Dag and Haldor, and I swear they nearly had a mini heart attack,” Anastasia replies grumpily. “There are a few men on the outside of the gate, but it seems like our men are holding them back fine, so we decided to come inside. After all, why should we be disturbing their enjoyment?”

“Besides, it looks like we might be needed here,” Freya states as she looks around. “I think we should tie these two up.”

“I don’t think they are going anywhere in a hurry,” Esmeralda says as she shakes her head and points at me. “You two should have seen this one. She’s lethal. Sparks actually fly out of her hands.”

“That’s so cool,” Anastasia says as she walks towards the man that hit the wall. “I might need your services sometime to shock some sense into my man’s thick skull.” I smile at her quip as she pokes the man with the tip of her foot. “Yeah, I think this one is out cold.”

“I will go and find something to tie their hands,” Freya says as she hurries away.

“We can use this on one of them,” Esmeralda suggests as she pulls a long burgundy scarf from where she has it around her extended waist, like a belt.

“No, don’t go near them,” I warn as I take the scarf from her. “If they wake up while we are tying them up, I don’t want them to hurt you.” I see her smile as I turn with the scarf in my hand towards the closest guy that is sprawled a few feet away.

Leaning down, I pull his arm around his back, and then try to turn him to bring the other arm around, Anastasia comes to help, but the minute she touches him she jumps back with a gasp as she feels a slight discharge of energy from him. “Umm, I don’t think it’s safe to touch them.” I laugh at her raised brows.

“Don’t worry, it does nothing to me,” I assure her as I finally manage to bring his arm back. I stand to go to the other one as Freya comes rushing towards us with a pair of handcuffs in her hands. “Well, I never took you for the kinky type,” I tease, as she hands me the handcuffs.

“Oh, they’re not mine,” she says hurriedly. “I heard one of the Jezebels talking the other day about her sexual toys and how she would just once like to get Tor into handcuffs, but apparently he doesn’t want to. Seeing all three of them are out today, I thought they wouldn’t mind if I borrowed them.” Freya’s sweet tone has me grinning as I shake my head, taking the cuffs just as Dag rushes in.

His eyes find Esmeralda, they run over her body to make sure that she is fine before turning to the men on the ground. “Did these assholes touch any of you?”

“No. Siena stopped them in their tracks,” Esmeralda says, which has Dag looking at me and then his eyebrow rises when he sees the handcuffs in my hands.

“Never took Eirik for a submissive,” he states.

“Oh no, this isn’t mine,” I say quickly before he thinks that Eirik is being handcuffed to the bed. the thought has me wanting to laugh. “Freya brought them so we can handcuff that one.”

At my confession, his head snaps towards Freya. “Dane?” he asks, his expression one of complete surprise as he thinks about Dane using the handcuffs.

“No, Dag. The handcuffs are one of the Jezebels and apparently she uses them on Tor,” Anastasia says with a sweet smile.

“What?” his roar of surprise is so funny to see that we all start laughing at his complete astonishment.

“You are joking, right?” he asks, uncertain.

“Nope,” Anastasia says, a grin spread across her face.

“Fuck me, I would never have thought,” Dag mutters as he walks towards the guy against the wall that is starting to rouse. I see Freya shaking her head at Anastasia’s prank and Anastasia shrug innocently.

“Oh, be careful whe…” I start to warn but it’s too late as Dag places his hand on his arm, a pulse of current rushes through him which has his hand snapping back and his head turning to look at me.