“That’s true. I have noticed that about him. He likes to give people gifts,” Esmeralda says, her eyes still closed as she relaxes with her head back against her lounger. “Every month since I found out that I was pregnant, he has given us something for the baby.”

“Oh, what did you get?” I ask curiously.

“I have received a baby set of gold cutlery. They were really beautiful, with all the elements engraved on it. A gold bracelet that made me laugh because it looks so much like one of the ones he wears and that there is no way the poor kid would be able to wear it with the weight of the gold. Then this month I received a small crate that you will see in the workshop. It’s a miniature Harley that apparently kids can ride when they are four and older.”

“A Harley?” Freya asks in surprise. “No way?”

“Oh yes,” Esmeralda confirms.

“Dag thought it was great and was upset because he didn’t think of it first. I didn’t tell him that there is no way that our kid is going to ride a motorcycle at that age.” I know that if the Elementals have girls, the girls don’t get their father’s powers of bending the elements, but the boys always get an element.

“If it’s a girl, do they get a gift like we do?” I know what my gift has cost me, and I don’t think I would like my daughter to go through the same problems that I went through.

“Yes, I think so,” Freya replies as she stands to step into the pool. “This water is always so nice and warm.”

Esmeralda opens her eyes, a smile lifting her lips.

“I think I’ll join you,” she says as she stands.

“Yeah, why not,” I murmur, also standing. I haven’t been to a swimming pool since I was a kid. Walking to the edge, I jump in, splashing Anastasia that squeals as she jumps back.

“Oh, you going to pay for that,” she laughs as she turns towards my lounger and grabs my clothes.

“No!” I scream with a laugh. “I will be walking out of here with a naked ass.”

“Oh, well, I guess you better run,” Anastasia says with a laugh as she drops it into the pool.

“Oh man.” I laugh as I lunge for my clothes, but they are already sinking into the pool. Diving under I bring them up, throwing them at Anastasia, they hit her with a sloshing sound.

“Well, looks like I am going to be coming in after all,” she says as she pulls off her jeans to display a lacy pair of panties that don’t leave much to anyone’s imagination.

“Nice panties,” Freya teases.

“Yeah, well I’m coming in with my T-shirt as I don’t have a bra on,” she replies as she comes to stand at the edge of the pool and then dives in just like a professional swimmer.

“Show off,” I call as I swim towards Esmeralda and pull myself up to sit next to her. “I bomb in, she dives in like a mermaid.”

Esmeralda laughs at my teasing.

I haven’t had a day like this in an exceedingly long while. Ever since I left school and started working, I lost touch with most of my school friends, but even if I still saw them, they were never those friends that you hear about that people go through their whole life with the same best friend. I always believed that a real friend is one that you can trust completely—the one that you know that no matter what, they’ll stand by you, and are there for better or worse.

These three women seem to be the real deal and if I am going to hang around here, I think if we are going to be good friends. I can’t think of myself being away from Eirik. What they say is true because I think about him all the time. When he touches me, it’s like I come alive, like everything around me doesn’t matter. When I look at Esmeralda, it has my heart jump with excitement that one day my dream will become a reality and I will finally have a family.

Placing my hand on Esmeralda’s shoulder, I stroke it gently. “How are you feeling after what happened?” I would still be shaking if it were me. But it seems like Esmeralda is taking it in stride.

“I’m okay. I was just worried about the little one. But it’s been kicking up a fuss, so I’m all good.” Her smile is sad as she looks at me. “Dag was furious.”

“Yes, he was, but he had every right. Look at what could have happened.”

She nods at my words and then smiles as Freya swims up to us, splashing us lightly before swimming away again.

“I heard him talking to Tor. He said that he promised me that I would never be around violence again and that he has failed.” She sounds so sad. “I don’t want him to feel like that.” Sliding my arm around her shoulders, I hug her close.

I think because of what happened to me and Esmeralda’s past, we have gotten close. There is an aura around Esmeralda of old wisdom.

Just then, Haldor walks through the door with a scowl on his face. I met him for the first time when they arrived yesterday. It’s clear that he’s hurting, and the death of his sister is devastating to him, but he’s closing himself off with anger.

“Hey, Haldor?” he stops on his way to the gym to look back at Anastasia. “Is everything over with now?”