“Yes,” he whispers. “Yes!” Louder. “Oh fuck!” he roars. Everything around me seems suspended in time, as I’m completely consumed by this moment in time. I know deep in my soul that there might be problems in the future, but for now it’s just me and Eirik, and its perfect.


I must have passed out, or fallen asleep, because the next thing I know I am being awakened by a flaming hot sensation across my back. Oh no, did I hurt my back? I can hear a thundering in my ear, a thundering that I realize is Eirik’s heart as my head is laying on his chest. How I got there I have no recollection as the last thing I remember is him lowering to kiss me sweetly.

Sitting up, I try to reach the top of my back to gather if I somehow injured or opened the area that Bion fixed.

“Siena?” Eirik asks in a sleepy tone. But when I look at him, I see his eyes are alert.

“My back is burning. Please, see if I hurt it?” No sooner are the words out of my mouth, he is behind me looking at my back, his hand running over my skin. “Argh” I gasp, the skin sensitive to the touch.

“Don’t move, let me see,” he orders. A minute later he is sighing with what sounds like relief.


“It’s okay baby girl, you didn’t hurt yourself.” He kisses my shoulder tenderly, as I feel cool air on my back as he blows gently.

“What are you doing?” I ask, stiffening but don’t move as the cool air actually seems to be helping.

“You are getting my mark, baby girl. The heat will go away soon, just relax.” What? what does he mean his mark? Freya and Anastasia showed me the marks they have. They said it’s their mating mark. The tattoo like marks they have, each on a different part of their bodies, but I thought they got tattoos done, not that it burns its way onto your body when you sleep with your mate.

Anastasia and Freya’s tattoos, or what Eirik calls marks, are beautiful, intricate patterns that they explained look exactly like the ones Ulrich and Dane were born with. Eirik’s body is covered in tattoos. I wouldn’t know which are his marks, I just hope it’s not a skull or something similar.

“Show me.”

Eirik raises a brow in question, but then he is turning slightly and pointing towards his arm.

“The Crow?” I gasp in shock, it’s a beautiful imitation of a crow’s head. It’s eyes intense as they look out at everyone, but I don’t want a damn crow on my body.

“What? No,” he replies as he runs his finger along his shoulder down to his elbow. I realize what he’s showing me is the intricate swirls that seem to look like infinity strokes woven into a space of lines, a pattern that pulls you in with its beauty.

“That will be my pattern?” I ask in surprise, pleased that it’s not one of his other more graphic ones.

“Yes, that’s my birth mark.”

“How long will it take for the whole thing to appear?” The heat on my back is already starting to ease, but there is still a slight tenderness. That type of mark will probably take a while even for this crazy type of magic they have.

Eirik stops blowing to look at my back before answering. “It’s all there, I would say a couple more minutes.”

“What,” I gasp in surprise, “already?” Eirik doesn’t reply. Instead, he slides his hand around my neck pulling me to him and locking our lips together, in a possessive all-consuming kiss.