
“I told her we would talk after this meeting.” Lifting both my hands, I rub at my face, feeling the tension pulling at my neck.

“What are you going to tell her?”

“Whatever I tell her isn’t going to go down well, is it?” I ask, when I finally stop to look at him.

Tor shakes his head as he stands up straight. He uncrosses his arms as he walks towards me. “All I know is that I have seen some crazy situations when it comes to mates, and one thing I have learnt is that no matter what, you guys will sort it out.” He places his hand on my shoulder. “She’s your mate, Brother, that means that she will understand you.”

“Or electrocute me,” I quip.

“What do you mean?” Tor asks with a frown.

“She can manipulate electricity, that’s her gift.”

A grin spreads across Tor’s face. “Yeah, wait until I tell Draco. That’s a great gift to have at our club.” I shake my head at his competitiveness. Ever since Ulrich mated, Tor has been excited with the fact that we will have our own women army, like the Natura Valley chapter has. He doesn’t like the fact that he has to curb his eccentric behaviour when the women are around, but he likes the fact that each woman has her own special gift that can be used to help us if ever needed.

“You won’t be saying that if they start taking over your club like the women do in his chapter.”

My comment has him tensing, and he grunts. “Curb your tongue, Eirik, that won’t happen here,” he states.

“We shall see. Wait until you find your woman.”

“She will do as I say!”

His forceful words have me shaking my head. Let’s hope that’s true because otherwise, I am going on holiday while they sort it out, because Tor can be a real pain when he’s upset. We both turn towards the door when we hear approaching footsteps. “Dag,” Tor states as we sense Dag’s energy approaching.

“Celmund is on the line,” Dag says as he opens the door.

“Coming.” Tor heads for the door, but before he steps out, he glances back. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you found your woman, Brother, you need her.”

I know Tor was worried about me above everyone else here at the club, because he knew that I wasn’t expecting to find my mate and instead was prepared to die.

Taking a deep breath, I head towards the door. It’s time I face my problems. Making my way to the room, I tense as I open the door and then freeze. Where the fuck is Siena? I head towards the bathroom, only to stop when I see it empty.

“Of course, she’s not here,” I mutter to myself. It’s not as if she can move. The thought that some other man touched her has my anger bubbling. Closing my eyes, I feel the energy around me immediately, sensing my woman close. Exhaling in relief, I am about to go after her when I remember the fucking painting. Walking towards the bed, I lean over it and gently pull the painting away from the wall and off its hook. I will have to get this packed away somewhere, but for now I will slide it under the bed and then move it when I find a place to stash it. I make my way towards where I sense her, only to stop stunned, outside Garth’s room.

Why is she in Garth’s room? Everything in me rebels at the thought that my woman is in another man’s bed that isn’t mine. Turning the handle, I throw the door open, hearing it crash against the wall with a loud bang. Siena, who is reclining against the pillows in the centre of his bed, gasps in surprise. A look of shock is on her face as she stares at me.

“Ohh, what are you doing?”

I narrow my eyes. “What am I doing?” The anger coursing through my body has the words fighting to come out. My low tones warn anyone in the vicinity that I’m ready to wrench someone apart. “No, the question is what are you doing in Garth’s bed?”

“I’m not staying in your room.” Her stubborn lift of her chin has me wanting to shake her.

“You are not staying in here,” I roar. It’s a good thing that Garth isn’t here because I would kill him even though this wasn’t his doing. The thought of my woman in his bed where he has been laying has every type of scene flashing through my mind, driving me crazy.

Walking towards the bed, I slide my arm under her legs and the other behind her back. “No!” she snaps, but I continue to lift her, only to feel a tingling feeling race through my body.

“Are you trying to shock me?” I ask in surprise.

“Why isn’t it working?” She must be powerful because for some reason, our women’s gifts never work against us, but even in her weakened state, I can feel a tingle.

“Because you can’t use your gift against elementals,” I reply angrily, turning to make my way towards my room. “Who brought you in here?” I’m going to skin the asshole that thought he could put his hands on my woman.

When she doesn’t answer, I look down to see her glaring at me, her lips tightly shut. Grunting, I look back up as I walk into my room, banging it closed with the heel of my boot. “This is now your room, you stay here.”
