“I’m glad to see you guys are back in one peace, even though I heard you nearly lost your head,” Ulrich quips as I walk in. He is already sitting at his place, Dag next to him.

“Depends how you look at it. Some would say he has,” Tal teases as he comes up behind me.

“Yeah, I heard you found your mate.” Dag says as he looks up from his phone at me.

“She’s a sweet little thing, way too sweet for the likes of him,” Tal replies with a laugh, but I’m not in a teasing mood. My thoughts are on Siena and her question just before I left. What the fuck am I going to say to her? I completely forgot about Isabela’s painting; I have had it there for so long that most of the time I don’t even realize that it’s there anymore.

I will have to bring it down; I feel guilty at the thought of getting rid of something that Isabela gave me with so much love, but I know that it’s not fair to Siena to have it up in our bedroom.

“Earth to, Eirik, anyone there?” I look towards Tal to see him looking at me with a raised brow. “You, okay? You haven’t heard a thing we have said.” I realize that the others are also looking at me. I am saved from answering as Tor, Dane, and Einar walk in and take their places.

“Let’s try to make this short,” Tor grunts as he leans back in his chair. “We got confirmation that Aldor is somewhere in Mexico. Celmund has open access to Zorba International network, he penetrated their system and found various plans for new warehouses around the world, but there is nothing about the experiments they are doing.”

“There must be something, somewhere,” Ulrich says as he places his arms on the table and looks around at everyone.

“Bro, you should have seen that place,” Tal reiterates. “They are organized. All the women were separated into different buildings. You can see that they are meticulous.”

“Yes, that is true,” Tor agrees. “I have just spoken to Garth, and he says that they have only found two of the doctors that worked there, and that was just because they were lucky as they were already on their way out of the country.”

“Yeah, the fuckers had everything rigged.” Einar looks towards Ulrich, Dane and Dag, that weren’t with us in Qatar. “If it wasn’t for Katrina, Draco’s woman contacting him to let him know that one of the other women in his chapter had a vision of bombs in the buildings, we would have had some of our men killed instead of just a bump on Eirik’s head.” They all look at me, but even though the top of my head is still tender, I have taken the bandage off and am looking normal.

“How’s the head?” Tor asks with a raised brow.

“Tender but getting better.”

“Did we get any information on how they are using the women to enhance those guys?”

“Everything we got has gone to Natura Valley Chapter, Celmund and Bion will look through everything and try to make sense of what they are up to,” Tor updates as he raises his hand to slide his fingers around the back of his neck and massage there.

“So, what do we do while they are doing that? Are we just going to sit around?” I ask angrily. After what I saw in Qatar and after what they did to Siena, I want the fuckers stopped.

“We are getting information on the other buildings the Zorba own, but in the meantime, we do have a war going on here if you have forgotten,” Tor snaps, after everything we saw in Qatar and the long days of trying to get as much information as possible before leaving and coming home, we are all running on short fuses.

“Yeah, Basil tried to blow Dane up when he went into Town yesterday.” My eyes snap to Dane. But he seems fine.

“What happened?” I ask. We should just obliterate those fuckers once and for all.

“Was when I went to collect all of Dag’s toys.” Dane replies sarcastically.

“Don’t blame that shit on me, you were also picking up stuff for yourself.” Dag replies

“Yeah, one packet. You fucking bought the whole store. Where are you going to put all that stuff?” Dane asks sarcastically.

“I just bought what they say a child should have,” Dag mutters grumpily.

“What about those boob hubcaps?” Dane asks and then looks at us. “Did you know that women wear hubcaps on their boobs?”

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Tor asks.

“I swear Tor, those things look like hub caps and this fucker had me go and pick them up,” Dane grumbles, shaking his head.

“They’re not hub caps for fuck’s sake, they are nipple protectors for when women breastfeed,” Dag replies angrily.

“You are shitting me!” Tal says with a laugh. “Dag, what the hell dude.”

“What? It says that it’s important…”