I have never been inside a motorcycle club, but if I had to imagine it, I would never get it right. Are all MCs like this one? When Eirik carries me in, the first thing I see is a bar area, which I expected, but what I didn’t expect was the luscious black couches to one side, or the risqué décor.

As Eirik starts making his way inside, I see various men and some women that call out a greeting. Some of the men I have already seen when I was in Qatar, but there are three that are new to me and the women too. They seem friendly as I hear them talking. If I am going to be here for a long time, I would like to meet everyone, and hopefully I will be able to get up and start moving around soon. I am so tired of not being able to see the sun that if I could, I would sit outside the whole day, every day.

“We are going to Church soon; I will ask Anastasia to bring you some food,” Eirik’s comment surprises me. I never took him for someone that would go to church.

“I didn’t take you for the religious type.”

My statement has him stopping. A stunned look on his face that quickly transforms into a grin.

“Umm, when I say Church, I mean a meeting.”

Oh, I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment. I should have kept my mouth shut. It’s the first time he has smiled since he kissed me earlier on the plane. One minute, he was blowing my mind with passion, the next he is getting up and saying he has to talk to someone. He was gone until just before we landed.

One minute he is running hot, the next he is freezing cold. I don’t know what to do with him, and that story he was telling me. I’m sure he must have been teasing me, but he seemed so sincere that I am confused and unsure of what to believe.

I do know that if it was true, I wouldn’t look back. Eirik touches me in a way that no one else ever has, and I don’t mean only passionately. Even though he makes me forget everything and everyone when he touches me, I mean emotionally and mentally as well.

Eirik ignites my senses—my mind in a way that I’m not used to. I seem to have a connection with him even though I have only known him for such a short time. I do know that there is a kind of connection between us that is palpable, and if that story he told me is true, then I am going to jump in with both feet.

I thought for sure that I was going to die if I didn’t leave that place and thought that I would never have a normal life again. And even though I doubt I will ever be able to have children, not with all the experiments they did on me, at least I can have a man that wants me, that cares for me, and that will make a home for me.

Glancing up, I admire Eirik as he approaches his bedroom. His strong jaw has a few days of stubble that instead of making him look scruffy, gives him a rebellious look that only enhances his manly features.

Eirik stops to open the door. Even though I now have more movement, I still get frustrated because everything still seems to be going in slow motion.

He walks towards the bed, sitting me on the mattress carefully before moving to fix the pillows against the impressive oak headboard of the bed. My eyes lift to the painting of the woman above the bed, her long silky brown hair and pouty red lips talking of passion. Her eyes filled with laughter and maybe even love. She is a beautiful woman; her corset seems to be from another era.

Eirik lifts me again, pulling me up against the headboard and the pillows. His bed is comfortable, something I haven’t had in a very long time as the men had makeshift beds put up for all the women. “Who’s the woman?” I ask, curious to why he would have a painting of a woman above his bed.

Is she his mother? That would just be creepy. His head snaps up and I see him stiffen as he looks at the painting. “I have to go; we will talk when I get back,” he mutters as he makes his way towards the door and leaves.

“What the hell?” I whisper as he does it again. I try to look and bend my neck back so I can look up at the painting, but I am still too stiff to manage much. “Darn,” I snap

“Well, that doesn’t sound promising!”

I gasp at her words as I look towards the door. Because Eirik left in such a hurry, he forgot to close the door. Which is the reason why I didn’t hear the woman come in. She is one of the women that were in the bar area, a friendly smile on her face as she looks at me. She must be Anastasia that Eirik mentioned.

“Sorry to startle you. I am Freya.”

Maybe not. I guess Anastasia is one of the others.

“Hi, I’m Siena. Sorry about that I’m still stiff and can’t move as I would like.”

“Do you need any help? Anastasia will be coming soon with something for you to eat, and I’m sure Esmeralda will pop in soon too.” Well, it looks like I will be getting more visitors than I thought.

“For now I’m fine, thank you.”

Freya walks towards me, taking a seat by my feet as she looks at me. Oh, my word, it can’t be?

“I know you,” I mutter, “or I think it’s you.”

She grins at my surprise.

“You’re an actress, aren’t you?”

“Yes, but I’m a former actress,” she says with a wink.