I don’t know how long it has been since they experimented with my back, but the pain is taking long to recede. It must have been days, or maybe just hours. Ever since I was taken, I don’t seem to know day from night. At least now I can move, but very slowly. I have found that I rest better sitting on the floor with my head leaning against the metal frame of the bed. It supports my head, which currently feels too heavy for my body.

The food is brought in and then taken out; I try to eat but after a few bites my arms are just too heavy for me to lift. The man that came to see me when I was first brought into this room hasn’t been back, therefore I still don’t know what he meant.

What I do remember is the dream, or maybe it was a vision I had of a man standing by the door looking at me. He somehow feels familiar. His shocked expression seemed sad. I wanted to take him in my arms and hold him close until the sadness went away, which is silly because if anyone needs to be held close it’s me. I swear he mouthed that he was going to come back to help me, which proves that it must have been a dream, because why wouldn’t he just take me away when he saw me?

At least I have dreams of hot, badass looking guys. How did I even conjure him up in my dream? Must have been someone I saw sometime while out and didn’t even realize I had seen him. I think back to Jack. He definitely didn’t look like that. I was seeing Jack for two-and-a-half years when I found out that he was cheating.

I thought I loved him. I thought we would be married one day and live happily ever after. Looks like I thought a lot of things that didn’t happen. And now they will never happen because as soon as I found out that Jack was cheating, I stopped seeing him—stopped taking his calls. I don’t believe him. No matter how much he tried to convince me that he loved me, he still cheated.

Someone that loves you doesn’t sleep with someone else. I thought we were fine. I thought we had something good going, but apparently, I wasn’t good enough if he needed to find another woman to sleep with. When I found out, he tried to tell me that it was a moment of temptation and that it would never happen again. He said he was drunk, and she threw herself at him. But how would I know that it would never happen again?

When that happened, I was devastated. But with time, I realized that I wasn’t upset about losing him, but upset over the death of my dream—the death of that perfect life that I imagined with him. In reality, I actually wasn’t at all upset at not seeing him any longer, which gave me a moment of pause. What if I had gone ahead and married him? What if after being married for a couple of years I discovered that I didn’t love him but the idea of what I could have with him?

Now I will never know. I will never be able to have that dream but instead live this nightmare every day. Turning my hands, I place my palms down on the ground as I prepare to move slowly, because my ass is starting to feel numb. I freeze when I start feeling a familiar current under my fingertips. It is slight, but it is there. Is it possible? Am I feeling electric currents again?

Why did it go away, and why is it now coming back? Did they somehow drug me? I didn’t even think about the possibility that they are drugging us and that is why I wasn’t able to feel the current. I have so many questions and no one to answer them.

One thing I do know is that at least now I can try to defend myself. Now it won’t be as easy for them to hurt me again. I am in pain, and can hardly move, but for the first time since my abduction, I have hope.

I will need to bide my time because there is no way that I can run away from here. But maybe I can when I am feeling better and if I ever move normally again. I will try my luck at running. I would love to help the other women. I want to help Amber and Liria and the others to escape, but I don’t even know where they are or where we are being kept. Maybe we are out of town, and I will have to hide while I make my way to safety, or maybe we are in the middle of a city, and I will be able to find help easily.

I will have to contact the authorities and my parents. I smile. I would shake my head if it wasn’t so painful. I’m making all these plans when all I felt was a slight current. I feel a sense of foreboding telling me that someone is watching me. Turning my head, I tense when I see two men with white coats at the open door looking at me.

“She also looks the same,” one of them says as he writes something on his clipboard. “The generators kicked in, so there wouldn’t have been a big lag until everything came back on.”

“You think she did it?” the other one asks as they both look at me.

What do they think I did when I can’t even move?

“No, even though we have reduced her medication it is still prohibiting her full functions.” So, it is true, they are drugging me. That’s why I haven’t been able to feel the current. Maybe I should stop eating, because that is the only way I imagine they are getting their drugs into me, but if I stop eating all together, I will be too weak to do anything, anyway.

I feel so helpless, why would anyone do this to another human being. They close the door again and everything quietens once again. The only sound is the very slight buzzing of the camera when it turns with my movements. Suddenly, something they said dawns on me. They know. They know about me conducting energy.

Is that why they took me? Is this all about what I can do? But what about the others? Can they also conduct electricity like I do? I never for once thought about that. It is possible that there are more people out there that do the same as me. There is no reason why it would only be me. Sighing, I lay my head back again. I have so many unanswered questions.


I must have fallen asleep because suddenly I am startled awake, crying out as I jerk in pain when I try to move my head. What woke me up? I am so stiff from sitting like this in the same position that I don’t know how long it will take me to straighten up. The cold from the ground penetrates my bones, making it even more painful.

Then I hear a noise. Someone is at the door again. Luckily, my head is already slightly turned that way. Opening my eyes, I see movement through the little window as if someone is there and then there is a loud cracking sound, and the door is opening. My eyes widen when I see the man of my dreams standing in the opening.

Am I dreaming again? Damn, whatever they are giving me, maybe they should continue?

“I came back.”

Wait, he spoke.

“Why are you still on the floor?” His voice is deep. There is an inflection of concern in his voice as he steps closer. He is bigger and more handsome than I first thought. If this is a dream, then please don’t let it end.

“Are you real?”

At my question, he nods as he squats down before me. I hear noise outside in the corridor, but I don’t look. Instead, I keep my eyes on him in case he disappears again.

“I came to take you away from here.” Is he the grim reaper? Because there is no way an angel of mercy would look like him. There are tattoos running up his neck, down his arms, and on his knuckles. The only place I think this man doesn’t have tattoos is his face.

“Are you going to kill me?” Has this horror finally come to an end?