“Did you zap them?” he asks.

“A little zap,” I say, which has Esmeralda elbow me.

“Little?” she asks.

“Okay, maybe medium.” He leans towards the guy again, this time touching him carefully. I notice his muscles flex as he feels the current, but he doesn’t jump back again, and instead places the handcuffs on the guy.

“I hope Tor doesn’t get upset that the guy is using his handcuffs,” Anastasia says innocently, which has me holding back a laugh as Dag looks at her in aghast.

“Tor,” he says the name while shaking his head, as if he can’t believe it. “Fuck me!” he mutters.

“Looks like they’re all gone,” Haldor says as he walks in. His eyes roaming around the room to see what damage is before he takes in the two men. “Except these two that is, and the dead ones outside.”

“Wait, there are dead men outside?” Anastasia asks, horrified. A reaction that I am also feeling, and going by Freya and Esmeralda’s expressions, so are they.

“Well… umm…” Haldor starts to say, as he looks at a scowling Dag. “They might be unconscious.”

I want to laugh at his uncomfortable expression but then shake my head when I realize that just a couple of months ago, I would have been horrified at everything that has happened today, but instead, I zapped two guys that were trying to hurt us, and now I want to laugh at the fact that Haldor is uncomfortable over the fact that there are dead men in the front of the club and he doesn’t know how to lie about it to us.

“We need to go and scout the property. If these two assholes got in, there might be more about,” Dag says.

“How did they know to come here today when the others aren’t here?” Haldor asks with a frown. “I think that is very convenient for them, isn’t it?”

“Yeah. But we will have to think about that later,” Dag says and then looks at us. “I want you all to go into Tor’s room and stay there until we come and get you.”

“Why Tor’s room?” Freya asks.

“That room is bomb proof. Trust me. Go in there and lock the door,” he replies as he approaches Esmeralda, placing a hand on her cheek. I see him looking deep into her eyes before he lowers his head and kisses her lightly on the lips. “You, okay?”

She nods.

“Okay then. Go on, we will leave once you are all inside his room,” he orders as he steps back from his mate.

“You do know that we can protect ourselves, don’t you?” Anastasia grumbles as she starts making her way towards Tor’s room. I follow the others, closing the door behind me and locking it when the four of us are inside and then freeze when I look around. I shut my mouth realizing that I am standing here like a fish out of water staring at his room.

“What the hell is that?” I ask, looking at a weird contraption, which I’m not sure is for pleasure or pain.

“I wouldn’t ask If I was you. Knowing Tor, it will be worse than we can possibly imagine,” Freya replies as she goes to sit on his massive bed.

“He really takes the whole Viking theme seriously, doesn’t he?” I state as I approach the others that are making themselves comfortable. The pelts on the floor. The massive bed with the handcrafted legs and headboard. Entering his room feels like I have just gone back in time and found myself in a Viking’s lair.

“You have no idea,” Anastasia says. “Even the parties are raunchy.”

“You know, I have always been curious about his room when I heard the two of you talking,” Esmeralda mentions as she looks around and then laughs when her eyes fall on a painting of a naked woman. “This one is worse than the one behind his desk in the office,” she states.

“I wonder who the woman is? It’s the same one.” Freya’s words have me looking at the painting and the woman’s face.

“You know, I never realized that,” Anastasia replies as she walks towards the painting, coming to a halt before it as she looks at it closely. “I think because our eyes are drawn to other parts of her, we miss her face.”

I laugh. I haven’t seen the painting in Tor’s office, but if it’s anything like this one, I can see why Anastasia would say that as the first thing that draws our eyes is her bountiful breasts, then down to her hand that does very little to hide her mound. Her long raven black hair is flowing around her, her clear green eyes slumberous looking, as if she has just been made love to thoroughly. Her skin is tanned and looks as smooth as silk.

“She’s stunning when you actually get to look at her face,” Anastasia says as she continues to look at the painting. “I wonder who painted this? They captured her beautifully.”

“He must have had something going on with her at some time. After all, he has two paintings of the same woman,” Esmeralda says.

“Looks like they all like keeping paintings of their memories, doesn’t it?” I say sarcastically, thinking of the painting Eirik had at the head of his bed.

“You know, I don’t think this is a painting from the past.” Anastasia lifts her hand, pointing towards the side table next to the woman. “That’s a phone, unless they were making cell phones when the Vikings were around, I think this is quite current.” The woman in the painting has a braid on each side of her face and a gold bracelet like the ones Tor uses on her arm, but Anastasia is right. This woman isn’t from his past.