“Why?” I snap, which has her head turning slightly towards me again.

“I want to phone my parent. I’m sure they will be worried about me and seeing as the club is in Cape Town, they can come and pick me up because they also live in Cape Town.

“You’re not going anywhere.” My answer has her face tensing, which reminds me about the ordeal she has just lived through. Telling her that she can’t go somewhere will clearly not sit well with her. I quickly try to amend my reply as not to alarm her. “You are still in danger; they will know everything about you.”

“Are my parents in danger?”

Her worried tone has me berating myself for making her unnecessarily upset.

“You can tell them to come and see you, they can come whenever they want for as long as they want.” I’m sure the others won’t love that, but they will understand. I see her visibly relax at my statement, her expression becoming less afraid.

“Are all the women staying there, too?”

I shake my head. “No, only you. The others will go to a compound that we have.” When we first started healing the Elementals that were on the verge of turning into Keres, Draco organized a compound where Elementals and Keres that have been healed can stay for a time before going back to their chapters. This compound will now be used temporarily for the healing of the women.

Photos will be taken of each one and sent to all the clubs where the other brothers will see if any of them are their mates. I know by seeing Dag in action, that by simply seeing your mates’ photo will ignite the recognition that is inbred in all of us of our mate.

Hopefully, some of the men will find their mates, and finally feel the peace that I am now feeling as I sit next to Siena. My passion might be driving me, but all the other emotions are stronger than I ever thought possible.

“Why am I staying at the club if all the other women aren’t?”

“Because you are mine.”

My statement has her eyes widening in surprise.

“Siena, I’m sure you can feel the connection between us.”

Her expression doesn’t change as she continues looking at me.

“When I first saw you, I realized that you were my mate. You see, this might sound really fucking crazy to you, but you know that the reason why all the women were taken was because you all have special gifts?”

“Yes, Tal said so, but how does that make me yours if you don’t even know me?”

Stroking my thumb over the smooth skin of her inner wrist, I try to calm her as I hear her heart starting to race.

“All the Elemental men are different too,”

“Oh, that makes sense,” she says, “of course there would also be men with certain abilities if there are women.” Her statement has me shaking my head.

“I don’t mean like that, true, we do have abilities but not like you think.” Sitting forward I turn in my seat so that she can see me more clearly. This long flight can’t be good for her back, if she weren’t so heavily medicated, I am sure that she would be in pain. “As the name dictates, we are all able to bend a specific element.”

“Like fire?”

Why is it that everyone always thinks of fire first? At my irritated thought, I shake my head.

“Yes, like fire, but my element is water.”

“Does that mean you can find water, or that you can do things with water?” Before I can reply she continues, “what exactly can you do with water?”

It looks like my woman is a curious little thing.

“Yes, I can find water and yes I can do different things with it.”

“I can conduct electricity.”

Her proud statement has me smiling. It looks like she is competitive too. “Does that mean that I might electrocute you?”

Her sudden, horrified expression has my smile turning into a grin.