Freya’s breathing is still erratic. Her eyes close as a sweet smile forms on her face. I can’t believe I’m her first. The overwhelming possessiveness that fills me is all consuming. Us Elementals are naturally possessive but to know that my woman has only been with me, it’s like gold to a leprechaun.

“You were a virgin.” My statement has her tensing and her eyes opening.


“Thank you, I will treasure the memory.”

Her cheeks are rosy with embarrassment, giving her that look of innocence that I now understand. “I had no idea it could be like that,” she whispers, her hand now rising to cover her breasts. I take her fingers and interlace them with mine, noticing how my hand engulfs her much smaller one and how her petite, perfect body looks so tiny next to mine. The contrast pleases me, giving me a protective sense.

“It isn’t, but we are mated, therefore, our joining will always be special.”

She frowns at my statement. “Guess you would know,” she says, biting her lip. “A man like you must have lots of women after you.” I know that our women, once mated, can be as possessive of us as we are of them, that’s why I would rather not get into my past with her because I haven’t been a saint, but I know that from now on there will only be one woman for me.

“The past is just that, the past. You are my future and the only woman for me. Trust me when I say that as Elemental’s we only bond once and it’s for eternity.” Any other woman’s energy once we are bonded repulses us.

“Tell me more about yourself, I’ve just had sex with a man that I only met a couple of hours ago. Trust me when I say that I’m never like that.” I lift my hand to stroke her cheek. She turns her face into my palm which pleases me at her complete acceptance of our bond. I know that with most of my brothers who have bonded before, their mates had difficulty accepting them and the whole mating concept, but Freya is taking it in stride.

“Why have you believed me so easily?” I have to ask because I’ve thought a lot over the years about how I would convince my mate to join me once I found her, and she found out about what we are. Never once did I think it would be this easy.

“Because I’m different too, and I always thought that I couldn’t possibly be the only one. So, when you showed me you were different, it was a confirmation that I was right.”

“How are you different?” I can see the hesitation in the way she tenses—the way she looks away. I don’t think her being different has been easy for her, I will make sure that from today onwards, she understands that being different is a gift to us and nothing to be hidden.

“Hey, whatever it is, trust me when I tell you that we have some really amazing women in the Elemental’s that have very special gifts of their own. Whatever your gift is will be accepted and appreciated by all of us.”

Her eyebrows raise in surprise. “There are more?” She lets go of my hand and sits up. I can see the curiosity in her face.

“Yes, there are quite a few more.”

I frown when she winces and places her hand over her arm. I thought she had sat up because she was curious, but it seems like there is another reason altogether. “Are you okay?”

She nods and then looks at her shoulder and upper arm as she rubs it. “Yes, must be some kind of insect bite.” I look at her shoulder seeing a slight tinge of red appear only then do I remember the mark.

“Fuck, I forgot.”

At my angry tone, her gaze snaps back to mine. “Forgot what?”

“The mark,” I grunt as I slide her hand away, placing my much bigger one over the area that is already feeling hot to the touch. “When we find our mates and bond with them, our mark appears. See, this one is mine.” I turn my shoulder slightly for her to see the unique mark that runs from my shoulder down my arm, the interlinked symbols a pattern of unimaginable beauty. All Elemental’s have their own unique birthmark in that spot. When we bond for the first time, our women acquire that same birthmark for all to know who she belongs to.

“What exactly are you saying?” she asks, her voice strained. “It’s burning! What the hell is happening?”

“You are getting a mark like mine.”

She glares. “Are you kidding me? Is it going to look like that?” I look at my arm, surprised that she sounds so put out. I always thought my mark was beautifully intricate, never once did I think that my woman wouldn’t like it.

“What’s wrong with it?” There’s a defensive note in my voice.

“I can’t have tattoos, It’s in my contract.” She gasps in pain. “It’s burning!” I hate knowing that she’s in pain. A feeling of uselessness fills me—a completely new feeling for me, one I don’t like.

“It will get better soon,” I promise as I bend the air around her shoulder, willing it to rotate and cool her down. After what feels like an hour, but couldn’t be more than a few minutes, she starts to relax. I can see the same intricate marks starting to become visible on her. It’s the same as mine, only smaller.

“Please tell me it will go away,” she pleads as she looks up at me from the mark on her arm.

“No… I thought you would like it.” I was clearly wrong.

“Like it?”

Why is she looking so flabbergasted?