We have been looking all over and she was fucking sitting in a coffee shop?” Dag asks while he paces the room.

I didn’t believe it when Freya handed me a book with dates, times, and notes of things that have transpired between the Desperados and other gangs. We haven’t gone through the whole book yet, but we might even have information of which Keres is organizing the abduction of women with gifts like Anastasia and Freya who are being trafficked into Dubai and other countries.

“Why didn’t you keep her there?”

I know he’s frustrated at how long it’s taken to find his woman, but berating our women for something that they didn’t even know is not acceptable.

“Dag,” I warn. I will not have him raise his voice at Freya.

He grunts before he nods.

“We didn’t know she was the woman you were looking for,” Anastasia says as she sits back against Ulrich’s chest. He pulled her into his lap the minute we walked into the bar. Looks like they have resolved their argument.

“She seemed slightly nervous, but she gave no indication that she was running away from anyone. If anything, she looked quite calm,” Freya says from the chair next to mine.

Tor and Asgar are looking through the book at the moment, and every now and then, I see them discuss something they see.

“No wonder he’s got all his men after her. He has noted every single thing they have done as a club,” Asgar mutters.

“Asshole,” Colborn says as he walks towards the bar to pick up a beer.

“Bring me one,” I ask while stroking Freya’s neck. My arm is behind her chair, my hand caressing her smooth skin. Colborn hands me the beer and then walks to take a seat next to Garth.

“I think she gave me the book so that you can stop the Desperados,” Freya says with a frown. “When we mentioned that you wanted to stop them from hurting women and children, she was very interested. Right after that she left.”

“We need to find her. Did she say anything about where she is staying?” Dag asks.

“No, Dag, she didn’t,” Anastasia replies.

“Guys, I think he has info here about the Keres,” Tor states as he continues to page through the book. “He talks in here about meeting Aldor, and that this Aldor is not someone to play with. They can get everything they ever wanted if they can find who they are looking for.”

“Does it say anything about where they meet or how they know which women they need to find?” Tal asks.

“There are coordinates here, I think these coordinates are for where they drop off the women,” Asgar says out loud.

“Looks like your woman helped us more than she thinks,” Einar says to Dag.

“We need to find Esmeralda and bring her in. She needs to know that she will be safe here,” Dag says.

“We mentioned to her that we are with the Elementals and that you guys are decent and want what’s right. Maybe she will show up one of these days at the gate asking for help,” Freya suggests before glancing at me.

“I think that she wants proof that we will do something to stop the Desperados before she makes an appearance,” Anastasia adds.

“Colborn, check these coordinates out. I want to know what and where they are for.” Colborn pulls out his phone as he leans towards the desk to look at the coordinates before he inputs them into his phone.

“It’s downtown,” he reveals with a frown on his face as he scratches his jaw while looking at the screen. “I’m not sure what this is about, but look at which building the coordinates are for.” Turning the phone, he shows it to everyone. The building that he is showing us belongs to a multimillion-dollar corporation. Is it possible that the Keres are involved with that corporation? If that is the case, then we have more to worry about than we thought because we will have to bring others in to help. There is a lot of money involved, if the Keres have any connection there.

“Shit,” Tal snaps as he sits forward. “I will contact Celmund to look into them and see what he can find.” Celmund is our best tech guy and a hacker in his own right. If you need to know anything, usually Celmund can find what we are looking for with very little information, like the name of a building and coordinates.

I just want some peace to spend time with my mate, it feels like ever since we met that everything has gone to hell, with one thing or another. Now that she’s starting to settle in, it seems like I’m the one that is never here as we are constantly on the road either looking for Esmeralda or acquiring information about the Desperados to try to stop them.

Standing, I see Freya’s surprised look as I take her hand. “I’m tired and after the exciting day the two of you had, I’m sure you are tired too,” I say to Freya as I help her out of her chair. “See you in the morning,” I call to everyone, as Freya says her goodnights before she walks with me to our room.

Closing the door behind us, I look at my woman as she approaches the bed before taking a seat to look at me. “Are you angry with me?” she asks.

“Yes,” I reply gruffly. She needs to know that I have to be able to trust her to do as I say, or I won’t be able to concentrate when I need to.