“Tor keeps a key on the top drawer of his desk, but I don’t know if he went out with the men today or if he’s in his office,” she says biting her bottom lip.

“He went out. I saw him leaving earlier with Eirik and Einar.”

She claps her hands, standing up from the bench she has been sitting on since this morning.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” she says with a smile. “Let’s go get that key and what we need before he comes back.”

I’m still wary about what can happen, but I’m sure I can stop time if required so the two of us can escape if need be. “Fine, I’ll go and change quickly as my jeans have soil stains and meet you by the back door. Will you get the key, or do you want me to come with you to check if anyone is coming?”

Anastasia shakes her head. “No need, if you stand around outside Tor’s office it will be suspicious, and then someone is bound to come investigate.”

I nod as I follow her inside. She makes her way towards Tor’s office while I head to Dane’s and my room. Now that we have a plan, I’m excited. I know that we were warned to stay inside, but as Anastasia said, no one will know that we belong to the Elementals if we don’t wear the kutte. Besides, I’m used to dressing to hide my appearance as people always tend to stop me when I go out.

Opening one of my bags that I haven’t opened since arriving at the club. I pull out a blond wig that I used to distract people from who I am. Then I pull on a fresh pair of jeans and a baggy hoodie before looking in the mirror and smiling as I place a cap on my head. I just need to get my contacts on and then I’m ready to go out. Even though I don’t have a problem with anyone at the club seeing my eyes any longer, I still feel uncomfortable out in public. It feels like I’m naked for everyone to see.

I’ve hidden my eyes for so long that now, without my contacts, I feel vulnerable. Making my way towards the door which we agreed to meet at, I wait for Anastasia, hoping no one comes along and finds it strange that I’m just hanging around looking like I do. Five minutes later, I’m thinking of walking towards Ulrich and Anastasia’s room when I see her making her way towards me.

When she sees my appearance, she grins. “Damn, I didn’t recognize you at first,” she says as she opens the door. “Tor had the drawer locked. It was harder to get the key than I thought.”

“So how did you get it?”

I see Anastasia’s cheek darken with colour as she looks at me. “I broke into the drawer.”

“Oh my word, Tor is not going to be happy,” I grumble. I don’t want to be in her shoes if she faces Tor, but to be fair, this was my plan, so if he gets upset, it is as much my fault as it is hers.

We make our way towards the gate. Anastasia slots the key into the keyhole and then struggles to turn it. “It’s stuck,” she grumbles.

“Let me try.” Not that I’m stronger than her, but it can’t hurt. We didn’t come this far to now have to turn back.

It takes a couple of minutes of jiggling and trying to lift the gate before we both make it to the other side. “Do you know where the bus stop is?” Only now do I realize that I suggested the bus, but I have no idea if the bus drives past the club or anywhere close.

“Yes, it’s just two blocks away,” Anastasia says as she pulls her arm through mine, making our way towards the bus stop.

“I can’t believe we are doing this,” I say with a laugh. “They are going to be so angry when they find out.” I hope Dane isn’t too angry, but I’ve never done something like this before. I’ve never had a friend that I could be a rebel with, and this feels so exciting.

“It’s okay, they will get over it,” Anastasia says just as we see a bus in the distance driving towards us. “Oh, we need to run, or we won’t make it.”

We take off towards the bus stop, arriving just as the bus pulls up.

“Now this was perfect timing,” I say as I gasp for breath, following Anastasia to the back of the bus and sitting. The bus is almost empty, which is good. I haven’t been on a bus in years. This is a new experience for me, which I’m enjoying as I look at the other passengers. I love people watching. Sometimes it’s even more exciting to look at than the scenery for me.

Anastasia is now all smiles as we make our way into town. She chats the whole way, but to be honest I’m not really listening as I look around at everyone, smiling at a little boy that is sitting next to his mom eating an ice-cream. Will that be me one day? Will I have Dane’s babies? I haven’t been curious about it until now. Is it possible for humans to have children with Elementals? I’m guessing that if we are their mates, then we should be compatible, but I’ve learned never to assume.

“Can we have children with them?” I interrupt Anastasia, which has her look at me in surprise.

“Where did that come from?” she asks.

I shrug, not sure myself why the thought popped into my mind. Do I want children with Dane? I’ve never really thought about having children. My career didn’t seem like the best profession to have children with, and I hadn’t really met anyone that I liked enough to take such a big step. But now that I met Dane, that has all changed. I don’t have to worry about having to fly all around the world for work or that I will never meet someone that I love. I hadn’t thought about it before. How did it happen so fast? I know that I was infatuated with Dane, I mean who wouldn’t be? But I hadn’t thought it was love, yet. Is it just the bond we have, or do I really love him?

“Yes, we can have children with them as the women that I’ve met from the Elementals Mother Chapter have children.”

That means that I could be pregnant right now because we haven’t done anything for contraception. I feel my heart racing when I think of a little Dane running around and me as a mom. Will I be a good mom?

“Our stop,” Anastasia suddenly says as she stands.

We make our way out of the bus and towards the shops. “Are you pregnant?” Anastasia suddenly asks, a frown on her face.

“No, I was just curious,” I say with a smile.