“This is driving me crazy! I can’t sit here any longer.” I look up from the seeds I’m planting towards where Anastasia is sitting. She has been holding her Kindle for the last hour, but I’ve noticed that her eyes were everywhere but on the book that she was supposed to be reading.

“Do you want to help me?” I ask.

“Planting?” Anastasia looks at me in surprise, as if I asked her to parade naked around the garden.


She shakes her head. “No thanks, I just need to get out of the club for a little while.” I know that she’s going crazy from being locked inside for the last two weeks, but the men are adamant about us not going out. “I know it’s dangerous at the moment, but I’m sure that if we just nip out to the store that no one will know who the hell we are.”

I sigh. She has been trying to get me to go out with her for a couple days, but to no avail. I must be honest, the thought that after two weeks of being at the club without being able to leave is starting to stress me out too.

I’m someone that doesn’t mind being alone in my own company at home, but even I start to feel claustrophobic. “Maybe if we ask the men to take us out, they will, even if it’s just for a little while.”

“I asked Ulrich last night. He said no and that it was too dangerous,” Anastasia says in a sarcastic tone. “I hate it when he does that. It’s too dangerous for us but not too dangerous for them.” She’s irritated today, and I don’t think that irritation is going to get any better until she goes out. “It wouldn’t be as bad if the men weren’t gone for so long.”

I know what she means. I’ve hardly spent any time with Dane in these last two weeks. It’s frustrating that I can feel he’s irritated with the situation, but there is nothing that any of us can do, not until they find this woman they are looking for. Dane told me that apparently, she’s Dag’s mate, and no matter what, they’re going to have to find her because she’s in danger.

They were hopeful a couple days ago when Katrina, Draco’s mate, told them that she knew where the woman they are looking for is, but the problem was that when they got close, she managed to escape them. Dane says that they missed her by an hour at the most because they could still sense her energy when they got there.

Last night when Dane came back, he was wired, something happened that had flustered his temper. When he got to our room, he hardly talked, he just started kissing me and caressing me. He made love to me like a man on a mission. Thoroughly, passionately, and all consuming. There is nothing about Dane that I would change, even his troglodyte actions sometimes. He makes me feel like no one ever has, and he makes me feel loved even though he has never told me he loves me. Deep down, I know that he does.

“I’m going into town and you are coming with me.”

I frown. What did I miss? I was so distracted with my thoughts that I missed Anastasia’s ranting until now.

“We can’t,” I say, looking behind her to make sure that no one heard her. “It’s dangerous.”

“If we don’t wear the kuttes, we will be fine. No one will know that we are Elemental’s old ladies.” I want to go out even if just for an hour, but what if we are wrong and they do know that we belong to them?

“I don’t know, Anastasia. I don’t think the men will like the fact that we are going out.”

Anastasia shrugs at my words. “That’s the point. Don’t you want to be naughty sometimes?”

I don’t know what Dane will do if I contradict his request and go out. I don’t want to upset him, but he hasn’t tried to take me out during these two weeks. He can’t expect us to live here indefinitely until this war ends with the Desperados.

“Okay, but how are we going to make it out of here without anyone noticing?” I know that the club is on lockdown—no one is allowed in or out without the men knowing about it. The prospects are usually on guard while most of the men are out looking for this woman that belongs to Dag.

“We walk out,” Anastasia says with a grin. “I have my car keys. We stroll out of the club, get into the car, then we drive right through the gates.”

I raise my brows in question. It looks like she has been planning this for a while. “The main gates have been closed if you haven’t noticed.” Since this war was declared, I’ve noticed that the prospects have the gates always closed unless the men are coming in or out.

“We have a small window of opportunity. When the prospects walk up the road to get the post, they leave the gate open. We can drive past without them being able to do anything.”

That just makes me nervous. “If we do that, the prospects will be on the phone with one of the men before we can make it to the end of the road. Then, instead of them concentrating on what they are doing, they will be after us.”

She frowns. “Well, what do you suggest?”

“What if we don’t take your car and catch the bus?”

She looks at me curiously. “And how do we get out to catch the bus?”

“I’m sure we can find the key to the gate somewhere.” The property has a side gate that is always locked, but the key must be somewhere inside, in case someone needs to leave through the gate. If we can slip out of the gate, then we should be able to make it to the bus stop and into town before anyone is the wiser.

“Oh, why didn’t I think of that?” Anastasia says with a smile on her face. I think it’s the first smile I’ve seen on her face today. “I know where that key is, the trick is to get in and pick it up.”

“Where is it?”