You would think that my anger would have calmed with Freya opening her eyes, but it hasn’t. The molten fury that is coursing through my body over the fact that someone nearly killed Freya has been driving me crazy. I wasn’t with her when she first fell ill, I will never let that happen again. This was all because of my quick temper. If I wasn’t such a hot-headed asshole, I wouldn’t have gone hunting with Dag for The Desperado’s woman and would have been keeping an eye on my woman’s welfare instead, making sure that she was kept safe.

When Eirik phoned me, I was already on my way back because I had a feeling that Freya wasn’t well. I owe him an apology. I was out of my mind with worry for her and accused him of not paying attention, but I know that he would have done everything in his power to protect her. No one would have known that the poison was there. The bottle was closed. Tal and Haldor went back to the set to see what they could find. When they brought back the bottle, we realized that someone injected the poison into it because there was a needle prick on the lid.

We had to get a doctor. Luckily, Doctor Hendriks was close. He has been with us for a long time and keeps everything quiet. He doesn’t do any tests and only treats wounds, or in this case, poisoning. But he wasn’t helping because Freya was slipping away before my very eyes. Therefore, we called Bion one of the brothers in our Mother Chapter. He is one of our best healers. He insisted that the best thing for Freya was for me to give her more of my blood, as it will combat the poison and kick it out of her system.

It’s been a hard couple of days, but now she has finally opened her eyes. Her agent was insisting that we take her to a hospital, but Tor convinced him to leave her with us, and assured him she was getting all the best care possible. We brought her back to the club after the first day. Word got out about her poisoning and we had reporters phoning and camping outside the door, waiting for news. The last thing we need is eyes on us. They will find more than they bargained for if they start snooping into the Elementals MC business.

“She will be fine.” Asgar brings me back from my thoughts with his words.

“Yeah.” Looking at him by the door, I see his eyes on me. Their penetrating intensity tells me that he is analysing the situation. Asgar is a great strategist, as he will analyse a situation to exhaustion before committing himself.

“I was thinking,” he says as he rubs his jaw.

“Of course, you were,” I quip. We all tease him about overthinking things.

He ignores my words as he continues. “There are only two women on set that are suspects. The man has left, so there is no further suspicion there.” The mention of the man has me scowling, as I remember when I first got to Freya and how I sensed Kane. I know she was working, and that she had to shoot scenes with him, but the thought of him anywhere near her had me wanting to ring his fucking neck. The only reason why I didn’t was because of my concern for Freya’s health.

“We questioned the woman that left the bottle of water in her dressing room, but to be honest, I don’t see her doing something like that, and there doesn’t seem to be any motive.” He inclines his head towards Freya as he continues. “Everyone says your woman keeps to herself. She doesn’t stick around after work or party like most of them. The staff really like her, they say she is cordial and doesn’t do tantrums like the other actors on set.”

“She has a soft heart. I’ve seen that in her. I don’t know how she got into the cutthroat career that she is in.” I lift my hand, pulling my hair off my face.

“From what I’ve deduced, and from the information that Haldor has pulled up, there is only one person that would have anything to win from Freya’s death.” He takes a step towards me, glancing back at Freya as he says, “That person is Tanya Drafney. She is in debt, believe it or not, with all the money they make. Freya has been offered a part in a high-profile action movie that Tanya wants. I think that is motive enough to get rid of Freya.”

I didn’t know anything about this offer she got. Does she want to do it? Will I be able to stand around while she films all these scenes with different men? I know that if any of them touch her, there will be problems. They might as well just arrest me now and throw away the key, because I’ve just answered my own question. There is no way I can sit by and see some fucker kissing my woman, even if it's pretend.

“There is just one problem, Tanya Drafney is flying back home in another couple of days. If we want to get her for this, we need to act soon.” All I want to do to her is place my hands around her throat and squeeze until I see her mean soul leave her body. If she had accomplished her goal, then Freya would have been dead by now. And I would soon follow because there is no way that an Elemental can live long after he has found the light—the goodness that is his woman. In the little time that I’ve had with Freya, I’ve realized that she is the pureness that is missing in me.

I’m darkness, rage, and revenge while she is my light, peace, and forgiveness. I know that without her I will continue in this world being angry at everyone and everything, never finding any peace or happiness. I knew that there was something missing from my life before I met my mate, but I didn’t know to what extent. Now, after seeing the darkness that I am without Freya, there is no way that I can go back, and I will never allow myself to turn into a Keres.

“Does Tor know?” I’ve spent all my time with Freya, not leaving the room, therefore, I have no idea what they have been up to regarding the poisoning.

“No, I haven’t spoken to him yet, but I will when I leave here. The problem is that the agent has reported it to the cops, so we are going to have to tell them what we know.”

“Fuck, I swear that agent is a pain.” I would love nothing more than to make that fucking woman pay for what she tried to do, but now I’m sure Tor will give the cops the information and let them take care of her.

“Also, we haven’t let him up, but he has been here twice asking to see Freya.”

“Fuck him. She doesn’t need to deal with the likes of him while she’s still not well, I mutter as I lean forward to stroke Frey’s hair.

“You are going to have to let him see her soon or he might make a fuss.” I know that what he is saying is true, but she has been through enough these last few days. I will have her get stronger before she needs to talk to anyone.

“When she’s stronger, he can talk to her,” I grumble, which has Asgar nodding before he turns to leave. Sitting here alone with Freya, I sigh, finally letting myself relax knowing that she is on her way to getting better. Flexing my neck, I try to relieve the tension there. It has been a couple of soul-wrenching days—days that I never want to go through again. I felt powerless sitting next to her hour after hour and not being able to help her. There was a stage where she was struggling to breathe. The overwhelming feeling of hopelessness that I felt at that moment is something that I’ve never felt before and something I never want to feel again.

Closing my eyes, I lean my head back against the headboard as I continue to stroke Freya’s hair. I hear approaching footsteps, and sense Anastasia’s energy as she nears. There is a light knock on the door before she opens it slowly. Opening my eyes, I see her peeping around the door.

“Hey, Dane.”

Anastasia hasn’t been with us long, but her presence has already been felt among us. Ulrich’s woman has a way about her that makes me smile. She doesn’t let Ulrich get away with much, but that is what he needs. Ulrich has always needed someone to ground him, and there is no one better than his mate.

“I thought I would sit with Freya so you can go shower, and then Monica will bring you some food.” Anastasia has taken charge of the clubhouse after only a couple of months after being here, it is amusing to see how she gets the Jezebels to do her bidding. I remember her first decree to the Jezebels. She stated that Ulrich was off limits, and that if they didn’t want all freezing hell breaking loose, they should listen. The funny part is that she probably meant it. She has a gift of ice and would probably freeze a poor woman just for touching Ulrich. I’ve noticed they have kept a wide berth around him now.

As Elementals, we don’t care about any other woman but our mate once we bonded, so there would be no suspicion at all that Ulrich could step out on her. But if that made her feel more secure, she didn’t show it, and we were just too entertained to tell her differently.

“It’s fine, Anastasia, but thanks.” She has been offering to sit with Freya from the first day we brought her here, but not knowing if she could slip away while I was gone kept me vigilant at her side the whole time.

“Nonsense. Asgar just told us that Freya woke up, which means that she is getting better and will be fine in no time. Therefore, it’s time for you to take care of yourself. So first, go shower. I’m sure you don’t want her to relapse from the stink in here,” she quips with a raised brow. “Then food because you’re going to need your strength to sweet talk her into health, and after you eat, I think you need to sleep because I don’t think you have slept much in these last few days.” She isn’t wrong. I’ve taken short naps while sitting next to Freya, but never fully went to sleep because I was worried that she would need me, and I wouldn’t hear her.