“He was just being overprotective, Kane. I’ve had threats made against me and that’s why.” When Tom phoned to tell me that Kane was filing charges against Dane, I convinced Eirik to accompany me here to try to change his mind. I know that he will be an ass and make me beg. He has always been full of himself. If he sees that this will bring him publicity, he will milk it to its last reserve.

“He knew I wasn’t a threat, look…” He steps closer, showing me his neck. “I have his fingers all over my neck.”

“A little concealer will cover those,” I assure him, but looking at the bruises, I wish I could punch Dane for the hassle he is giving me. “If you lay a charge, then everyone will think that you were trying to attack me. Is that what you want people to think?”

A look of shock crosses his face. “Why would they think that?” I need to play my cards right or Dane might be arrested for this.

“Well, my security detail detained you by force. What does that look like?”

“But I wasn’t doing anything,” he says angrily, his blue eyes flashing with rage.

“But no one knows that. You do know how people like to invent things and all you need to do is give them a gap and they will be thinking weird things about you.”

He huffs in anger as he snaps around to look at Tom, who is sitting on the couch, watching the two of us.

“You need to do something,” Kane says as he goes to stand before Tom with his hand on his waist.

“I’ve spoken to their boss. He will be in tomorrow to speak to me,” Tom states.

I really hope this isn’t going to get Dane into trouble. What will happen to him if his boss is angry? I don’t think the term boss applies in this situation, as I don’t think the Elementals have bosses.

“This can’t stay like this,” Kane whines. He is so petty that I really wish I never have to work with him again.

My heart is racing at the thought of Dane going to jail for this. For some reason, the thought of not being able to be with Dane has me stressing. I know that this situation I’m in is strange beyond anything I would ever have imagined, but I’ve always been someone that follows their instinct, and my instincts are screaming that everything Dane said is true. How can I doubt it when I have this tattoo on my arm that I’m currently hiding under my shirt? It’s proof that things beyond what we know do exist.

I feel at home with Dane, and even though he is completely out of my comfort zone, I know that I won’t find happiness with anyone else like Dane will be able to give me. My body still tingles when I think about how he feels in my body—how it feels when he kisses me.


I glance at Tom, realizing that he must have said something that I completely missed when I was distracted thinking about Dane. “Yes?”

He raises a brow in question but doesn’t berate me like is his habit. “I was saying,” he says with a pointed look at me, “that your security detail will stay away from Kane, and that the man that attacked him will stay away from the studio.” Now this is something that I can agree to because I like that I can finish my set without Dane threatening mayhem on anyone that comes too close.

“Sure.” I glance over my shoulder at Eirik, who is standing by the door. He raises a brow at me, as if saying good luck. “Actually, I think that Eirik will be the one accompanying me from now on into the studio.”

Eirik’s expression doesn’t change, but I do notice that his body has tensed.

“Good. You don’t, perchance have a desire for strangling people, do you?”

Eirik glances at Tom, but then looks away again without a reply.

“You see how rude they are?” Kane mutters as he shakes his head.

“Well, they are the best at what they do,” Tom states as he stands. “Now, if this has been resolved, can we please get on with more important things?”

“Well, I’m sorry, but I tend to think that my life is important,” Kane whines as he whips around to make his way out of the room.

“He’ll be back,” Tom sighs, shaking his head. We all know Kane loves his hissy fits and when he has calmed, he walks back in as if nothing happened. Tom points at me. “You haven’t signed the new contract yet.”

“I’m still thinking.”

A great opportunity has come up for me to be a lead in a motion picture, but I’ve been holding onto deciding from the moment Tom gave me the contract two weeks ago. I know it’s a great opportunity, and the money will be amazing, but I’ve been questioning my options for a while now. I became an actress by chance. One day I was serving drinks on a plane to a producer, and the next I’m in his movie.

At the time I was blown away by the money and the attention, but as time went by, I became aware that I wasn’t happy. I’m more isolated than ever before. I can’t make friends because I don’t trust anyone, and I can’t afford for anyone to find out about my secret because it would blow up in my face. The lack of freedom has also been a big thing for me, I’ve always loved nature and the fact that I can’t go out for a walk because I might be accosted by fans, has diminished the glamour of this occupation.

“We need to send it back. What is wrong?” I can hear the exasperation in his voice.