I’ve never felt as alive, as excited as I do right now. I know that I’m over my head in this—that Dane is more than I think I can handle, but he pulls me in like a moth to light. He makes me feel things that I never thought were possible to feel. Walking back to the bedroom after drying my hair, I look at myself in the mirror. Tom is not going to be happy when he sees the mark on my arm. I rub at my arm but nothing, how can this happen? How is it possible for a tattoo to appear out of nowhere? Rubbing again I shake my head. The mark doesn’t rub off or wash off, there is no way of getting rid of Dane’s mark.

Tomorrow, I have to go in, the scene is a sexy kissing one. How the hell am I going to wear a strapless top with my arm filled with tattoos like it is? And what am I going to do about Kane, would Dane really kill him? I don’t think so, but he looked serious enough when he said it. I will just have to make sure that Dane isn’t allowed where we will be filming tomorrow. Maybe one of the other men will guard me while we are there.

To be honest, I think Tom is going a little overboard with the whole security stunt, but I also didn’t expect them to throw a rock through my window and they did. Security is tight when we are filming so I doubt I will have any trouble on set. Taking in a deep breath, I smile. I never thought I would be sleeping with someone when I woke up this morning or that I would be mated to a hunky troglodyte, but life has a strange way of changing our plans. I still need to tell Dane about my abilities, but we got side-tracked when I was going to tell him. After everything that happened with the tattoo on my arm. I think I’ll be okay with thinking that he is used to different.

Looking at the door I sigh. Well, I guess I’ve hidden away long enough. I wonder if Dane will still be mad? Straightening my shoulders, I make my way out of the room and down the corridor towards the sitting room, only to come face-to-face with the other man that I had seen when they first came into the garden. I can feel my cheeks heating with embarrassment, wondering if he knows what Dane and I did.

“Umm, hi,” I whisper shyly.

He grins. “Hey beautiful.”

His words make me stiffen. Does he know I’m with Dane?

“Do you know where Dane is?”

“He’s on a call, he will be in shortly,” he states as he inclines his head towards the kitchen. “Why don’t we go into the kitchen?” I nod.

As I make my way in there, I find the other man who came in to tell us about the brick, already in there.

“I’m sorry but I don’t know your names,” I tell them awkwardly, not remembering if they introduced themselves already or not. In my defence, when I saw Dane everything became blurry.

“I’m Dag, and this is Eirik”

Dag has the most amazing blue eyes, and with his black hair and tanned skin, the contrast is hot to say the least. When I look at Eirik, he is just as handsome, but in a deep tormented kind of way. I can see tattoos on his neck and both of his arms starting from where the sleeves of the T-shirt end. I’m certain that the rest of his body is just as tattooed. His short, dark brown hair suits his square jaw, and at first, I thought his eyes were blue, but now I’m thinking that they are more grey than blue.

“Are both of you like Dane?” I whisper, not sure if I should be asking this or not.

Dag leans near me as if to tell me a secret, then he points at his chest. “Earth.” His hand turns, pointing at Eirik. “Water.”

Oh, this is so exciting.

I jump in surprise at Dane’s angry words coming from right behind us. “Get the fuck away from my woman.”

Dag lifts his hands in the air with a smirk on his face. “I was just introducing myself and Eirik.”

Dane grunts as he comes to stand next to me. Looking up at his face, I see a muscle ticking by his jaw. Is he still angry at me?

“Guess the call didn’t go well?” Eirik asks

“Let’s just say he’s not in the best of moods,” Dane grunts with a shrug. “We are to maintain our course unless absolutely necessary.”

“Well then, guess we are here for a while,” Dag murmurs as he walks towards the fridge and opens it. I hear him groan before he glances back. “We need to order food.”

His statement has me frowning, the fridge is full of food. “You can use the food in there,” I offer. If they are here to keep me safe, the least I can do is feed them.

“No offense, Beautiful, but the stuff in there isn’t food.”

I frown at his statement, there is a fridge full of fresh fruit, yoghurts, vegetables, and juices. What could he possibly want?

“Get ready, Brother, I think your woman is going to have you on a diet soon.”

I gasp. “What makes you say that? There’s a lot of healthy food in there.”

“That’s the problem… it’s all healthy!” he says with a raised brow

“Just order the fucking food, Dag, stop quibbling,” Dane grunts before slipping his arm around my shoulders, guiding me towards one of the chairs at the dining table.