“We need you to tell us what your movements are for the next week, so we can prepare,” Eirik says as he sits down in front of us. I’m not someone that likes to party or has many friends, so my life is quite boring. If they think that they’ll get to go out a lot because I’m an actress, they will be disappointed.

“I’m afraid that most of my time will be on set or here. I don’t have any other commitments besides the two weeks before we finish filming this movie.” Dane’s fingers are now massaging my neck lightly which is distracting.

“Great, so all we need to do is accompany you to set, make sure that no one comes near you, and we are good,” Eirik states

“Well, on set there will be people near me all the time, but that is normal as we work together.” I need them to realize that I’m not going to stop my normal routine because of this threat.

“What exactly is your role in this movie?” Dag asks, sitting down next to Eirik.

“Well, the movie is a romantic comedy. It’s a romantic entanglement between a group of friends, where one guy likes two women. I’m one of those women. We have filmed everything already, and we just need to get the final bits in before we are done.”

“Give me action any day,” Dag states as he bites into a peach. I guess fruit works when you’re hungry enough. Suddenly, all three men tense.

Dane inclines his head, then he’s standing. “Stay here,” he orders

“What’s wrong?” My heart is racing at the thought that there might be more danger.

“There is a man approaching,” Eirik says just as someone rings the doorbell. I hear Dane opening the door and I can just imagine the poor man on the other side looking up at a mountain of a man like Dane. If he was here to hurt me, he will definitely think twice just by Dane’s appearance alone.

“Yeah?” Dane’s greeting is low, but I can still hear his threatening tone.

“Who are you?”

Recognising Kane’s voice, I go to stand, but suddenly Eirik is standing next to my chair. Looking up at him he shakes his head.

“I’m none of your business, now what do you want?” I hear Dane ask once again impatiently.

“I know him, he co-stars with me.”

Eirik just shrugs

“This is going to get interesting,” Dag says with a grin

“Where is Freya?” I hear what sounds like a scuffle. “What do you think you doing?” Kane’s voice is muffled as if Dane is cutting off his air supply.

“Dane, I know him,” I call out, hoping that Dane will consider letting Kane go. Not that I mind him roughing Kane up a little as he’s one of those obnoxious individuals that think that women can’t live without them.

“I’ll sue you for this,” I hear Kane whingeing before I see him standing in the doorway. “Freya, what the hell is going on here?”

“Hi, Kane,” I say conversationally as if this is an everyday occurrence. It’s a good thing I put my contacts in when I left my room, or Kane is the type that would quickly tell everyone about my freaky eyes. “I believe you have met Dane. This here,” I motion my head towards Eirik that is still standing next to me. “Is Eirik and that is Dag. They are my security detail.” I see Kane’s eyes widen as he looks over the men. Not being the most handsome man in the room must be upsetting him.

“Why didn’t I get security detail?” His petulant voice is as irritating as usual. He’s the most selfish, self-centred man I’ve ever met.

“Well, maybe it’s because you weren’t the one being threatened,” I say. “What can I do for you?” I know it’s rude to continue sitting while a guest is standing, but it looks like Eirik isn’t going to let me go over to Kane. Not that it would make a difference because by the way Dane is glaring at him, I swear he will combust at any moment.

“I thought we could go through our scenes.” Great, the last thing I feel like doing is spending a couple of hours with Kane, but one thing about him is that he’s meticulous when it comes to his work. Sighing, I pull back my chair and stand.

“Fine, we can do it in the sitting room,” I mutter, wishing to spend time with Dane instead of rehearsing lines with Kane.

“Great,” he says before glancing at Dane. “Maybe place your dogs on a leash.”

“Fucker,” Dag growls, quickly standing. His fast movement has my feet moving, walking around Eirik towards Kane, but it’s too late because Dane has his arm around Kane’s neck.

“You want to repeat what you just said?” Instead of repelling me, Dane’s anger excites me. I like a man that isn’t scared of standing up for himself or for those close to him. Kane was out of line and I completely support Dane in teaching him a lesson.

“Was a… fucking joke,” Kane gasps as I raise my hand to place it on Dane’s tense bicep.

His eyes are slitted in anger when he turns to look at me.