I open my eyes to find myself on a proper bed, turning my head I see a window. Where am I? and then I remember the men coming down the stairs. Wait, where is he? I raise my head and groan as it swirls, well looks like I’m still not back to myself but if I am truly free from those men, then I should be back to health soon. Maybe they will let me call my parents and I will need to let Mr. Smith know what happened.

“I see you are awake.” I jump at the voice, looking towards the bottom of the bed I see a man walking into the room. What the hell, am I hallucinating? Yesterday the man that was talking to me was hot, then Ulrich was drop dead scalding hot, and now this guy is just as hot. I’m sure I must be dreaming.

“Are you real?” At my question he grins, okay now I’m sure I’m dreaming because a smile like that can’t belong to a real guy.

“I think so.” If old whiskey had a voice, I’m sure it would sound like this guy, raspy and hot.

“You’re hot,” I say and see both his eyebrows raise as his grin widens.

“Well thank you, just do me a favour and don’t tell Ulrich that okay?” At his statement I frown

“Is he real?” I ask

“Well, honey sometimes I wonder, but it seems like he is.” I frown at his cryptic answer. What does he mean with that? “I hear your name is Anastasia, how are you feeling?”

“Umm, okay,” I mutter, “just confused and I think dizzy, where am I?” And my whole body still hurts but I won’t tell him that.

“You’re in our club, the doctor has been to see you and Ulrich is downstairs arguing with him, but he should be back upstairs soon.” At Ulrich’s name, my stomach seems to somersault.

“What do you mean?” Either my brain is only working at half capacity or this man is cryptic as hell.

“You weren’t waking up which was freaking Ulrich out, we rescued you yesterday in the morning, it is now two in the afternoon.” Wow, did I really sleep for that long?

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“What an asshole, we should really get another fucking doctor,” Ulrich is saying angrily as he walks into the room. The minute I see him, it feels like the bottom of my stomach has dropped; he is even more handsome than I remembered. His longish brown hair just touching his shoulders seems dishevelled, like his fingers have been through it a few times. His beautiful green eyes snapping in anger as he looks at the man that I was talking to. His arms are muscular and tattooed, he looks like the perfect picture of naughty. There is no doubt in my muddled brain that this man is trouble in every sense of the word.

“Look who has woken up while you were arguing with the doctor.” At the man’s words Ulrich’s gaze snaps around to me and I see relief in his features.

“Hi,” I say and see his lips twitch.

“Did you have a nice nap?” he asks with a raised brow as he walks towards me, his t-shirt stretched across his muscular chest. Darn, but this man makes me dribble even when I’m feeling like a sick dog.

“Yes, thank you,” I murmur feeling suddenly self-conscious, I look towards where the other guy was only to find him gone. “What was the name of the guy that was here?” I see him suddenly frown.

“Haldor, why?”

“What kind of name is Haldor, does that stand for something?” he shakes his head his frown still in place.

“His name is an old Norse name; it is just Haldor. You will find that all of us here have old Norse names.”

“Oh, did you all change your original names to fit in with the club or something?” I have heard of bikers with strange nicknames, but I have never encountered ones that change their names to Norse ones. He takes a seat on the bed, his knee but a hand's length away, completely distracting me from what I was talking about.

“No, we were all born with them.” My eyes rise to his, the green flecks in his eyes capturing my attention. It should be illegal for someone to be this handsome. “You haven’t said why you want to know his name?” I frown and then shrug.

“No reason, he was just so nice,” I mutter suddenly yawning, I can see his eyes taking everything in. “What did the doctor say?”

“That the bruising will go away and that whatever they were pumping into your system will wear off soon and then you will start to feel better,” he says, “How are you feeling, are you in any pain?”

“No, I’m actually feeling better than what I have felt for days.” He nods, “Ulrich,” I stretch out my hand placing mine on top of his, jumping in surprise when we both get shocked with static. I can feel every fibre in my body responding to the touch, I know that my system is run down and at the moment I am more than likely feeling everything more intensely than I usually would but this man has me reacting in a way that I have never felt before. It feels like every fibre in my body is alive when I’m touching him. Instead of pulling my hand away I continue touching him and notice that even though he doesn’t turn his hand around to hold mine, he doesn’t move his hand away. “I need to phone my parents to let them know that I am fine.”

I see him frown at my request, but then he is stretching his leg and leaning back slightly as he tries to slide his phone out of his front jeans pocket. “Do you know the number?” I call out the number to him which he dials and then hands me the phone.

“Hello?” I hear my mother answer
