Page 27 of Obsession

The big man dismissing me would have bothered me if I didn't know how things worked around the club. I was just a patched member and wasn’t privy to the information the officers were. I had to come to terms with that a long time ago. I would need to remember that my men would not be able to talk about club business in my presence. I had to be okay with that. For now, I would take my leave and head to the studio for round two of auditions.

I leaned into Matrix to give him a chaste kiss, but he wrapped me in a bear hug and kissed me like he was going off to war. I giggled as Baby pulled me into his arms and did the same thing. I waved at Ace who was shaking his head at our antics. As I exited the office, I heard Ace say, “You mother fuckers think you can handle that one?”

To which my men said, “Hell no, but it will be fun trying.” Laughter barked throughout the room as I closed the door.

What a difference a day makes. I was floating on a cloud as I made my way to the dance studio. I had been tired and downtrodden when I left the previous evening. Today I was filled with hope and had a pep in my step. I was ready for these girls to show me what they had.

“Girl, what did you get into last night. I called and called and didn’t get an answer. Now you show up early this morning looking like you been at the spa. Your ass is glowing, so spill.”

Mouse rolled up to me, grinning from ear to ear. I knew she had heard that Ace gave us an ultimatum yesterday. I also knew that she was bursting at the seams to find out who I chose.

“I was a little busy last night to answer the phone. In fact, I turned it off. “

“You got yourself a new man?”

“Quit playing, Mouse. I know your ole man told you what was happening.”

“Okay fine. He told me. I’m dying to know who you chose and how you went about it.”

“That is a long story. The cliff notes version is, I didn’t choose. As of last night, your girl has been claimed by two members of the Predators MC.”

“Bitch, what? Do they know? When is the fight to the death?”

“You are too silly. There will be no fight to the death. They are both very much aware that they will be sharing me. I was unable to choose, so I get to keep them both.”

“With your greedy ass! Damn, how are you gonna handle all that dick? I have trouble keeping up with Ace. I can’t imagine having two strong alpha males to please.”

“That’s why your name is Church Mouse and mine is Obsession!”

“You got a point! Get it, bitch! I am happy for you. Damn, the Sweet Lips are going to go into a depressed state over this one. Two of the finest off the market.”

“Now that you know all my business, I wonder if you have time later to discuss an idea I have about the studio. I was reading about this missing person case in the news, and I want to talk with you about starting a charity or organization or something to support these women.”

“That sounds interesting. Sure. Meet me in the office after the auditions, and we’ll hash it out.”

“Thanks, Mouse. It is something near and dear to my heart.”

The second round of auditions went quicker than the first with Quella showing up and showing out again. She was by far the most talented dancer in the bunch. There was something about this young girl that drew me to her. I couldn’t put a finger on it, but for some odd reason I wanted to teach her everything I knew, not just about dance, but about life. There were a few other girls that really stood out. In addition to Quella, we chose Sonja, Keta, Posey, Kenya, Xyla and Siera to be out top tier dancers.

Once we got everyone into the studio for a few classes, I think we had a chance to really build a special battle squad to go out and win competitions. I had so many ideas about choreography for these talented girls. Soon practice would start, and we would determine who would be co-captain. There was no question who the captain was. It would be up to the instructors to select the second in line. This would be a chore because that girl had to be both a follower and a lead. Someone who was talented enough to teach her fellow dancers, but humble enough to accept instruction from them too. I couldn’t wait to get started.

After auditions ended, I headed into the office to chat with Mouse. The nanny came in a while ago with TJ, so I knew she would be in the office waiting on her hug. I loved that little sassy girl. She was always full of happy energy. No one had stolen her light yet. Her innocence made her a joy to be around.

“Aunty Session.” TJ chimed as she ran up to me for her hug. No matter where or when she saw me, she demanded her hug. It made me feel good that this child loved me like she did. It made me both happy and sad. Happy because the child was sweet and sad because I never got to have this feeling with my own child. I pushed those feelings to the side and hugged my little niece, picking her up and twirling her around.

“Hey, auntie’s baby! How are you today? Did you come to dance with me?”

“You know it. I got the moves.”

I laughed at TJ reciting the line I taught her. I placed her on the ground, and she started moving those little feet to the music that was playing in the background. Truthfully, this child had no business shaking her little ass to Megan Thee Stallion, but she was good. Besides, her daddy wasn’t here to see it, so we were good. Soon TJ started bopping her little diaper clad bottom up and down mimicking the video. How she knew that move was beyond me. I was not responsible for that. Her moves made me stop dancing in my tracks, and I became her audience.

“Go TJ, go TJ! Get it girl!”

The chant erupted from the opposite side of the room. I looked up to see Quella acting as the club princess’ hype girl. Quella rushed across the floor, taking TJ’s hands and started dancing with the little one. I turned the music up and joined the girls for the impromptu dance party. Pretty soon Mouse came in and didn’t miss a beat as she stepped to the floor. We made a little circle around TJ and let her show out. The child loved the attention. I looked up from the fun to see a random man watching us through the window. I got the heebie-jeebies. It wasn’t anything he did specifically, but the way he watched us. The way he watched Quella.

I have never been so happy to hear the roar of pipes coming down the road. It worried me that we were there alone. Though the door was locked, I shudder to think about what could have happened if the man was aggressive and wanted to come inside. We didn't keep weapons around because of the liability with kids being on the premises. Luckily, the man took off down the sidewalk, just about breaking his neck to get away. I needed to remember to have Mouse check the surveillance video when everyone was gone home.

The Three Stooges rolled up outside of the studio, and little TJ squealed at the sight of her daddy and uncles. I rushed to pick her up as she made a mad dash to the door. It was all I could do to keep the little cherub from running out into the night. Well, that and the fact that the door was locked.