Page 44 of Cocky Celebrity

“Okay, so recently I had Sunday dinner with my family at Uncle Jack’s house. While I was there, he told me about a rumor that was going around about my mom. He said he was getting older and needed to tell me before he left this world.”

“What kind of rumor?” Mrs. Aston asked.

“There’s no easy way to say this so please forgive my brashness. He said that you and my mom were having an affair and that she was really Latti’s mom.”

Mr. Aston turned bright red while his wife choked on the water she just drank. Both appeared to be shocked at the accusation and then they burst into laughter. Well, that was completely unexpected. Latti and PJ shared a confused look and then glared at the Astons waiting for an explanation.

“Sorry to laugh, kids,” Ben Aston explained. “Pashen, your uncle is nuts! I’ve always known that, but he’s gone too far this time. Your mother was a dear friend to my wife and me. There was never anything between us except friendship.”

“That’s right, sweetie. Your mother did us the favor of a lifetime. You see, I was unable to carry my babies. I had three miscarriages in a row and was devastated. Your mom volunteered to carry my baby for me. She was our surrogate, not Ben’s lover. It was all done by a doctor. They used my egg and my husband’s sperm. Your mother was just the blessed carrier,” Mrs. Aston clarified.

PJ was so relieved she jumped up and hugged both of Latti’s parents. She knew her uncle was a petty bastard who loved to start mess, but she never expected him to go that far. She was going to chalk it up to him not understanding what the role of a surrogate was and leave it at that. Either way, it was going to be a cold day in hell before she graced his doorstep again.