Page 48 of Cocky Celebrity

“Clink, clink, clink! Why aren’t you more excited? You worked so hard on this project. You should be bouncing off the damn walls.”

“I miss him.”

PJ quickly wiped away the lone tear that trailed down her cheek. She was used to crying herself to sleep at night when she was alone. She hadn’t cried in front of Latti in six months and she didn’t intend to start today. Fuck!

“Oh, honey. I thought you were over him. I know you’ve been working your ass off and we haven’t had a chance to talk about it. Are you still in love with him?”

“Yes, Latti. I want my man back.”

“Fine. I have an idea. Once we sign this merger, I want to start an all-news streaming channel. A lot of that will include weather. What if we offer Max a job on our station? We’ll double his pay. Make him an offer he can’t refuse!”

“Alright, Godfather.”

“Say what you want, but I made you smile. Just get through this lunch meeting and you can hop on a plane to Atlanta. Let’s go get your man.”

“You’re coming with me?”

“I wouldn’t miss this for the world. Besides, I think he will take the offer better coming from me.”

The lunch meeting seemed to drag on and on. The paperwork was signed, and the company was officially Aston Financials, yet the men continued to sit and talk for what seemed like hours. It was ridiculous. PJ needed to get on a plane and go see if Max missed her as much as she missed him.

The sound of laughter filled the restaurant and caught the attention of everyone there, especially PJ. She had heard that high-pitched screeching before, but where? She looked for the source of the annoying sound and came face to face with her worse nightmare. Simone was sitting across the room hanging all over Max! A dagger stabbed her directly in the heart. What in the actual hell?

Latti looked at PJ who was barely holding it together. She knew she couldn’t show her emotions at a table full of male colleagues. It would make her look like an emotional female, which she wasn’t. She needed to retain their respect and she would be damned if she would ruin her stellar reputation over a stupid man.

When the group stood to leave the restaurant, they were a bit loud causing Max to turn their way. He locked eyes with PJ and a bright smile came on his face. It immediately went away at the glare she gave him. He waved and called out to her, but Simone grabbed his arm. Latti ushered her out of the restaurant as they heard him calling her name over and over. As they drove away from the valet station, they saw him running after them.