5: Kylie
Brax and I let ourselves into Selene and Ronan’s house. Selene texted me earlier and said she could use help with some wedding stuff. I’m more than happy to help; I just wish I wasn’t so tired. It’s barely after six, and I feel like I can’t keep my eyes open.
Selene is sitting at the dining table with a sprawl of candles, ribbon, and glass vases. “Hey, you guys.” She meets my eyes and raises her eyebrows.
I give her a quick head shake and she looks a little confused.
Please don’t say anything, Selene. Not yet.
Braxton surveys the table. “This looks like a nightmare. What the fuck are you doing?”
Selene groans. “I thought it would be a good idea to make my own centerpieces for the reception. Pinterest is the devil.”
I take a seat next to her. “I’ll help. Just tell me how they’re supposed to look.”
Selene points to a finished one off to the side. “They look simple, but this ribbon is a pain in the ass.”
Ronan comes downstairs. He’s as tall as Braxton, with dark hair and a chiseled Disney-prince jaw. He nods to Brax and comes over to kiss Selene.
“This looks like something I should run from,” he says.
“I’ll go get takeout,” Braxton says. He looks at Ronan. “Want to come?”
“Yes,” Ronan says. “Definitely.”
The guys head out. I try get the layers of ribbon to cooperate, but Selene is right. This is a pain in the ass.
“Why didn’t you have the florist do these?” I ask.
Selene rolls her eyes. “Because the internet makes things look so easy. I might just call them in the morning and add centerpieces to our order.”
“That’s probably a good idea.”
She puts her strand of ribbon down. “So, what’s up? Did you talk to Brax yet?”
“No. I was going to on Saturday, but we got distracted.”
“Distracted? God, Ky, no wonder you’re pregnant,” she says. “I’m surprised it took this long.”
I toss a piece of ribbon at her. “It wasn’t that.”
She arches an eyebrow at me.
“Okay, it started with that, but I wanted him to be in a good mood. Afterward, he told me the building owners accepted his offer. So this business expansion is really happening.”
“Yeah, he told me about that yesterday,” she says. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks,” I say. “But it’s kind of scary, you know? And then he told me he booked us a trip to London.”
“Oh my god,” she says. “That’s awesome.”
“Yeah, it is. But … I don’t know if we should be doing all this right now. It’s so much, and it reminded me how unplanned this pregnancy is. If I’m really pregnant, which I still don’t know for sure.”
“What do you mean, you don’t know for sure? The tests were positive.”
“Yeah, but I haven’t been to the doctor yet,” I say. “I don’t want to drop this in his lap before I’m completely sure.”
“Kylie,” she says, a note of sternness in her voice. “Do you really think both those pregnancy tests were wrong?”