“Are you okay?” I ask.

“Yeah, I’m great.” She turns to look at me. “I just, you know, didn’t want Braxton coming to dinner with a loaded weapon, so…”

I laugh. “Gotcha.”

“You know, the only thing that sucks about being married to your brother is that I can’t talk to you about my sex life anymore,” she says.

“That does kind of suck,” I say. Kylie and I were always really open about that sort of thing. We told each other everything. More or less. “You know what, talk to me anyway. We’ve been sharing this stuff with each other since … well, since there was anything to share.”

“You sure?” she asks.

“Positive,” I say. “Maybe just stop yourself from describing anything where I have to generate a mental picture.”

She laughs. “That’s fair.” She takes a deep breath. “So, he does this thing where he goes down on me and gives me two orgasms, one right on top of the other. And that’s all before he even, you know, has his turn. And usually there’s another one when he goes. But fuck, it’s kind of exhausting. I feel like I want to crawl in bed right now instead of sit in a bar. I meant for it to be a quickie before we left, but he doesn’t really do quick.”

“Damn,” I say. “No wonder you married him.”

She lifts her eyebrows. “Right?”

I lick my lips, and my mind goes to the mild ache between my legs.

“You obviously fired the cannon before you guys came,” Kylie says with a knowing smile.

“Is it that obvious?” I ask.

“On you? Only because I know you,” she says. “Ronan though. Look at his face when we come out of the bathroom. I bet you twenty bucks he and Braxton are wearing identical expressions. It must have been pretty good.”

I roll my eyes upward. “God, Kylie, it was … holy shit. He…” I stop and purse my lips together.

“Oh, now you really have to tell me,” she says.

“He tied me up and punished me.”

Her mouth drops open. “Holy shit.”

“I know,” I say. “He didn’t hurt me or anything like that. But god, it was phenomenal.”

“I kind of want more details because that sounds fun,” she says.

“Just imagine a necktie, a headboard, and being told not to speak or move without permission. Then there was some spanking, and a lot of touching and teasing before we finally got to it.”

“Damn, that’s hot,” she says. “You were good with all that? Were you worried he’d take it too far?”

“No, I wasn’t worried at all. I trust him.” I pause again. “Ky, he said the L word.”

She gasps. “What?”

“I know,” I say. “He did. He said he loves me. He’s said it more than once.”

“Wait, when you were tied up?” she asks.

“No, he said it for the first time last week.”

“And did you say it back?” she asks.

I know her question means more than whether or not I said the words. She wants to know if I meant it. “I did.”

She puts a hand to her mouth. “Selene, this is a big deal.”