18: Selene

I take a deep breath as I step out of the elevator. It’s the same hallway I’ve been walking down for four years, but everything looks different this morning. The soft beige walls, the large photos of Puget Sound, the line of office doors—I know it’s all the same as it was last week. It’s me that’s different.

Despite being assaulted in the back of a bar—a reality that seems so surreal, it’s almost like it happened to someone else—my weekend was pretty fantastic. Ronan and I spent Saturday together at my house—watching TV, drinking gin and tonics (he is an excellent bartender), and fucking each other’s brains out. The man was insatiable—and I admit, so was I. It was like we were making up for the months we’ve spent denying ourselves. We went to bed exhausted late that night, tangled in the sheets together. I woke up Sunday to find he’d gone out and gotten me coffee and breakfast. He even put a little birthday candle in my cranberry scone.

I tried to put Braxton and Kylie off, but it was our birthday, and I couldn’t go all day without seeing my brother. Ronan seemed to realize that I wasn’t quite ready to tell them about us, and bowed out of dinner, saying he had work to catch up on. I had a nice dinner with Brax and Ky, and amazingly, they didn’t prod me for too much information. They were more concerned about how I was doing after the events of Friday night than what might have happened with Ronan staying at my house. I’m pretty sure Ky is on to me, so I’ll have to come clean soon. After she and Braxton hid their relationship from me, and all the trouble that caused, we all appreciate more honesty from each other. I won’t keep it from her, but I do need a little time to think before I tell her.

Whether Ronan actually had work to catch up on, or was simply perceptive enough to realize I needed space, I was both grateful for it and sad to see him go. I had a hard time falling asleep last night, alone in my big house again. It was so tempting to text him and ask him to come over, but in the end I decided I need to be careful. Part of me is ready to jump in with both feet, but the other part is worried. I very clearly agreed to date my boss, and now I have to start dealing with the consequences of that choice.

I set my things down on my desk and pull my laptop out of the case. I’m tense with anticipation. What is Ronan going to do? What’s he going to say? Will it be awkward to see him here? I told him we need to take it slow at work, and I think he understands why, but I have a feeling he’s not going to be quiet about us. Not for long, anyway. I feel like I need to have a short sound bite for when people ask what’s going on. I’m not sure if I should simply be honest, or try to downplay things. Why yes, I am having crazy hot sex with the boss man. Is that a problem?

I put a hand to my forehead. When he and I were together this weekend, my concerns were there, but it was easy to push them aside. It wasn’t just that the sex was incredible—though it was. But it simply felt good to be with him. Easy. We chatted and joked and drank a little too much, and it was fun. He was fun. Our verbal sparring transformed into playful banter, and we had a great time.

My message notification lights up as soon as I’m online, and I get a tingle in my belly.

Morning. Can I see you in my office?

I smile. God, it’s been less than twenty-four hours since I saw him, but I missed him. I am in so much trouble.

Sure. Be there in a minute.

I head down to Ronan’s office. Sarah isn’t at her desk, and I’m grateful. I feel like as soon as anyone looks at my face, they’re going to see it. They’re going to know. Especially his assistant.

Ronan is at his desk. His attention is on his computer screen, and he’s got that sexy groove between his eyebrows. He keeps almost nothing on his desk, save his laptop and sometimes his phone. His office is all clean lines and uncluttered spaces. There are a few bookshelves, but everything is placed neatly. The pictures on the walls are hung in precise order. His condo was the same—orderly almost to the point of being stark.

I’m hit with a sudden flutter of nervousness. It’s so silly. I’m a grown woman, not some little girl. I take a deep breath and knock softly. “Morning.”

He looks up at me and leans back in his chair, a hungry smile crossing his face. “Morning, gorgeous.”

“You needed to see me?” I ask.

“It’s not even eight, and already you’re all business,” he says. “Come in.”

He stands and walks over to meet me, slipping his hands around my waist. He kisses me and I take a quick glance over my shoulder.

“No one’s here yet,” he says. He slides his thumb over my lip and tilts my face to the side. “This is healing pretty fast. I doubt anyone will notice.”

His touch makes me heat up and I resist the urge to clench my thighs together. “I hope not. I don’t really want to have to explain it.”

“How was the rest of your birthday?” he asks, putting his hands on my waist again.

I glance back at the door. “It was nice.”

“Did you miss me?” he asks, quirking an eyebrow.

He’s so fucking sexy. I’m ready to melt into a puddle at his feet—but damn it, I haven’t even made it to eight o’clock on Monday morning. What am I doing?

As if he can sense me about to pull away, he dives in, planting a hard kiss on my mouth. His hands slide around to my back and he presses me against him.

“Yes, I missed you,” I breathe when he finally pulls his mouth from mine.

“Good. I missed you, too.” He reaches out behind me and shuts the door, then fumbles with the lock while he kisses my neck.

“I don’t think we should do this here,” I say, but there’s no conviction behind my words. He grabs my ass and presses his erection against me.

“We definitely should,” he says, his voice thick and raspy.

He pushes my skirt up and reaches between my legs, rubbing me through my thong. My eyes roll back in my head as he massages my clit, sending shockwaves through my whole body.