Chapter 27
Diana’s mind swam with visions of horrible and delightful things. Sometimes she would dream of dancing with Fitz or spending an outing together walking through the countryside. Sometimes she’d glance images of their children and what they would look like as they grew older.
Other times her dreams would turn to nightmares. She’d find herself in a dark labyrinth, the sound of Natale’s hackling following her no matter where she went. And no matter how hard she tried to run or the distance she believed she had travelled, Natale would always find her, plunging her dagger deep into Diana’s body.
“No, no more,” Diana whispered in her sleep, struggling to find peace and balance once more.
“Shhh, Diana. You are safe now. It’s all going to be alright,” she could hear Fitz’s voice say. She felt warmth in her hand that seemed to bring her sense to the present. Slowly, she opened her eyes, the sunlight peering in through the windows of her bedchamber. At first, she looked around only to confirm where she was and that she was no longer being chased by that horrible woman. Then, she turned her head and saw that Fitz was sitting on the ledge of the bed, holding her right hand in his.
Diana looked down at her body to see she’d been changed into a new nightgown. The covers were tucked around her, making it hard for her to pull them away so she could see why there was so much pain coming from her left side. As her memory slowly returned, she remembered what had happened in the garden, followed by the whole smell of burning flesh.
“Your eldest brother seems to have an unusual medical knowledge,” Fitz said as he captured her left hand with his other, forcing her to stop moving so much.
“Gabriel? What do you mean?” Diana asked, turning her focus back on Fitz. The pain was great, but she was eager to see her betrothed and learn what had happened.
“When I carried you inside, he explained that he’s been studying medicine for a very long time. He was the one who knew what to do,” Fitz explained, sitting closer to her on the bed as he rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles.
“What had to be done?” Diana asked next, fearing what Fitz was about to tell her.
“He had to use a hot iron to seal the wound with a deep burn. You shouldn’t move or even try to move till it is fully healed. And that could take many days,” Fitz said.
“But what about our wedding?”
Fitz chuckled as he leaned forward and placed a kiss on her forehead. “Don’t worry, my dear. There is plenty of time to be married once you are fully healed. Everyone has gone back to Town but have promised to return in a few weeks once you are better.”
“And …what … what about?” Diana could barely even say it and felt a shudder run through her body as the memories swarmed her mind.
“She was captured and transported to the Tower of London. She won’t be able to harm anyone ever again,” Fitz said for her. “Lord Gunther made his way to the manor to explain how Natale just disappeared in the night and how terribly sorry he is for everything that happened.”
“I hope to find comfort in the thought that she can no longer come after me,” Diana said in a soft voice. She squeezed Fitz’s hands then, trying to remain positive. After all, she was very much alive and had been given another chance to love Fitz. She stared into his eyes, thinking how much she’d come to love him. It had been the one thing that had kept her afloat and still fighting to live. She didn’t want Fitz to feel sorrow ever again.
“Are you hungry? Do you need anything?” Fitz asked after several minutes had gone by.
“I could use something for the pain I’m in,” Diana admitted. “And I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt to eat something.”
“Of course. I had the apothecary send powders for any pain you might be in. I’ll tell Cook to prepare something nice for you and make a tea that should help with the pain.”
“How are my parents?” Diana asked as Fitz let go of her hands and slid off the edge of the bed. He pulled the servants’ cord before settling back down next to her.
“They are fine, just worried about you. We have been taking turns watching over you. Your mother has been with you during the mornings and afternoons. Your father in the evenings. And I’ve sat and watched over you during the nights.”
“That’s quite scandalous of you,” Diana said with a smirk. “You shouldn’t be in a woman’s bedchamber at night.”
“It appears I have your parents’ good graces. Neither one has given much fuss over the action, and for that I am grateful. I didn’t want you to be alone when you woke. And you should not move hardly at all if it can be helped.”
“Well, I’m going to need to move to sit up and eat, and to relieve myself.”
“My word, such immodesty,” Fitz teased.
“You are practically my husband now save for the formal ceremony. You shall no doubt hear of my immodesty from time to time,” Diana replied. It was then that her lady’s maid came into the room with a few other maids. Fitz was shooed from the room as they helped Diana sit up and to take care of all her needs. By the time she was settled back onto the bed, her side was throbbing. She wondered if sleep was going to be the only thing that ever gave her pain relief anymore.
“Can I get you anything else, My Lady?” Miss Matilda asked once she was settled in bed with several pillows behind her back to support her weight.
“I don’t suppose you have a small device that could speed up time so that I can heal sooner?” Diana quipped, causing the woman to laugh.
“If I did, My Lady, I would be sure to allow you to use it. I’m so sorry to hear what happened. If you let me know, I’ll be sure to do it if it will help you heal faster.”
“I am eager to eat some food and drink whatever tonic Cook has made up for me with the powders from the apothecary. Perhaps then I’ll be able to get sleep and forget that I am in pain.”