“And have you become the father to your two sons like you’ve always wanted from Father?” Diana asked, feeling bold and brave for the first time when addressing her eldest brother. Gabriel didn’t meet her eyes as he instead looked away, seeming to stare into nothingness.

“These last few days have been a clear indicator that my attention has been focused elsewhere. I had never thought to take the boys fishing or simply enjoy an outing with them. I’ve grown fonder of them since I’ve been here,” Gabriel eventually admitted.

“I may not understand why my siblings abandoned me or our parents, but I truly hope that you find happiness one day, Gabriel. I surely have.” Diana looked him hard in the eyes then before stepping around him and approaching the counter once more. As she laid the comb before Mr Lowry, Fitz took the time to pay for her purchase as well.

“A gift for someone?” Fitz asked as they stepped out of the shop together.

“I want to give it to my mother. I know the bride and groom are supposed to receive wedding gifts, but when I saw it, I thought of her,” Diana explained.

“That is very thoughtful of you,” Fitz said, squeezing her hand for a moment. “And I am confident that I have enough treats to satisfy the children for a number of days.” Diana chuckled as she shook her head.

“You’ll have certainly spoiled them by the time the celebrations are over,” Diana reasoned. She looked about her then, wondering where her sisters had gone off to. She figured they would be in the seamstress shop, looking over ribbons and new hats. But Diana spotted Vivian standing on the other side of the street, a few paces away from the well as she talked to someone in a hooded cloak. Diana observed the figure, trying to determine if it be a man or a woman. She was also curious why anyone would be completely covered when it was so very hot outside.

“Who do you think your sister is talking to?” Fitz asked, seeming to have noticed what she was staring at.

“I’m not sure. If only I could see their face, I would be able to tell you for sure,” Diana replied. Then, before they could get a good look at the person, the cloaked figure curtsied deeply and turned, dashing off down the lane towards the main road.

“It must be some familiar woman to Lady Munster,” Fitz said as they watched the woman run off. Diana looked back at Vivian and saw that she was now looking towards them. She simply sneered before making her way to one of the carriages, seeming to be done with the outing.

“Whoever they were, your sister doesn’t look to be pleased about the encounter.”

“It seems that she is not pleased about many things,” Diana reasoned. “Well, then. Let us be off. There is still the seamstress to visit and no doubt the butcher. I wish to repay the man’s kindness if I can because he always sold meat to me and my family, even when we couldn’t always afford it.”

“I’ll be happy to repay the man as well,” Fitz said, walking alongside her towards the other shops. All the while, she had a hard time getting Gabriel’s words out of her mind, and she wondered deeply about who Vivian had been talking to a moment before.